
  • 网络history;historical record;local history
  1. 在最近一连串的几场比赛之前,史蒂芬·库里真的没有想到能够创造这么多的NBA历史纪录。

    Until a couple of games ago , Stephen Curry really hadn 't thought much about making more NBA history .

  2. 首先我们想在接近真实网路拓朴的环境下将MN的移动历史纪录作为选择MAP的判断准则。

    In the first instance , we would like to apply the MN 's mobile history for the criterion of selecting proper MAP in the densely meshed tree topology .

  3. 1986年,美国大学计算机专业的毕业生人数创下了历史纪录。

    In 1986 , American universities graduated a record number of students with degrees in computer science .

  4. 去年8月黄金价格创出1888.70美元(未经通胀调整)的历史纪录,而此前几周,标准普尔(Standard&Poor)下调了对美国的信用评级。

    Gold 's all-time high of $ 1888.70 ─ without adjusting for inflation ─ came in August last year , just weeks after Standard & Poor 's downgraded the U.S. credit rating .

  5. 今年通过智能手机、平板电脑和电脑观看世界杯(WorldCup)比赛的美国人数创下历史纪录,世界杯也成为美国有史以来在流媒体上实时播放量最大的体育赛事。

    The World Cup has become the most streamed live sporting event the US has ever seen , as Americans tuned in to this year 's tournament on their smartphones , tablets and computers in record numbers .

  6. 为了支撑经济,北京方面将投资率提高至gdp的约50%,高于其它快速发展亚洲国家的历史纪录。

    To shore up the economy , Beijing has increased investment to about 50 per cent of GDP . That is a higher proportion than the other Asian Tigers ever spent .

  7. 对于IDA这个世界上最贫困国家的最大优惠金融援助渠道来说,这一数字标志着一个新的历史纪录。

    The figures mark an historic high for IDA , which is the largest single source of concessional financial assistance for the world 's poorest countries .

  8. 紧接着,基于这些历史纪录提出了BT种子文件质量的时间序列预测评估方法,并以此方法对种子文件进行排序,给予用户较好的查询结果。

    Then , a time series forecasting method can assess the quality of the seed files based on those historical records . Through this method the system can sort the seed files and give users better query results .

  9. 美国农业部(usda)周四预测,在以2011年收割季为起点的农事年里,玉米、小麦和大豆的名义收购价格将创历史纪录。

    The US Department of agriculture on Thursday forecast nominal record farm-gate prices for corn , wheat and soyabeans in the crop year that begins with the 2011 harvests .

  10. 美林证券(MerrillLynch)的一个相关指数显示,垃圾债券今年的回报率达到56%,轻松超过1991年39%的历史纪录。

    Returns on junk bonds this year are running at 56 per cent , according to a Merrill Lynch index , easily beating the previous record of a 39 per cent return in 1991 .

  11. 计划中的此次上市有可能成为今年全球最大的IPO之一,其筹资额将接近上海证交所的历史纪录。过去一年中,有大量新股在上海证交所发行上市。

    The planned flotation is likely to be one of the biggest in the world this year and will be close to the record for the Shanghai exchange , which has experienced a flood of new equity-raising in the past year .

  12. 欧洲央行(ecb)大幅下调了明年欧元区的经济增长前景,预计欧元区经济在失业率创历史纪录之际进一步收缩,但由于没有发现通胀威胁,因此决定保持利率不变。

    The European central bank slashed its eurozone economic outlook for next year , forecasting further contraction at a time of record unemployment , but decided to keep interest rates on hold as it saw no threat from inflation .

  13. 该系统包含针对BT种子文件的网络爬虫和种子文件解析器,它能自动采集网络中的BT种子文件;再从中分离出共享文件的描述信息,建立索引和描述信息的历史纪录。

    This system includes a web crawler and a file parser against the seed files . Therefore , it can automatically collect BT seed files in the network and separate the description information from sharing files , and record the historical index and description .

  14. 这样,距离打败常规赛73胜改写了NBA历史纪录的前冠军对手,从而为这座1964年至今还未有一座冠军杯的城市带来一个职业运动冠军的头衔还有1场比赛。

    In this case , it would occur with one games on the road against the defending champions , who won the most regular-season games in history , to deliver a professional sports title to a city that hasn 't won squat since 1964 .

  15. 蒙巴萨全球茶叶与商品公司(globaltea&commodities)总经理纳威德阿里夫(naveedariff)补充道,由于天气恶劣,优质茶叶的价格有可能超过目前每千克近4美元的历史纪录。

    Naveed ariff , general manager of global tea & Commodities in Mombasa , added that prices for top-quality teas could rise beyond the current record of nearly $ 4 a kilogram owing to the poor weather .

  16. 在历史纪录上完全可以找到重复的主题。

    Recurring themes are readily discernible in the annals of history .

  17. 金价飙升至每盎司1444美元的新的历史纪录。

    Gold jumped to a fresh record of $ 1,444 an ounce .

  18. 玉米价格昨日飙升至接近历史纪录的水平。

    Corn prices surged within striking distance yesterday of their all-time record .

  19. 为了保留历史纪录在将来的时间被发现。

    For preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time .

  20. 历史纪录里可以查看进行过的计划扫描纪录。

    Flyer history will show past occurrences of the scheduled scan notification flyers .

  21. 芝加哥期货交易所三月小麦期货合约创下每蒲式耳9.53美元的历史纪录。

    The CBOT March contract hit $ 9.53 a bushel , a record .

  22. 11月中国创造了7年来首个年出口同比下滑的历史纪录。

    In November , China recorded its first year-on-year export decline in seven years .

  23. 管理层的历史纪录很难评价,所有权结构经常是不清晰的。

    Management track records are tough to evaluate ; ownership structures are often murky .

  24. 今天将创下历史纪录。

    Where history will be made today .

  25. 历史纪录说是500艘。

    The historical record reads five hundred .

  26. 我们有历史纪录可循,可以让我们知道古希腊人如何穿着、

    We have historical records that allow us to know how the ancient Greeks dressed ,

  27. 个体公司也争论代表的废气排放基准是否超过了他们的历史纪录,

    Individual companies have also haggled over whether their historical records were representative emission benchmarks .

  28. 存放历史纪录和文件的地方。

    Contains historical records and documents .

  29. 具有分级管理、历史纪录查询、数据追踪和电子签名等功能。

    Its performance includes user access , chromatography history , audit trails , electric signature and etc.

  30. 监控电话历史纪录、转移帐户余额并通过子帐户调整自动充值等级;

    Monitor call history , transfer account balances , and adjust auto recharge levels by sub account ;