
  • 网络historical cognition
  1. 诉讼认识是一种法律规范下的历史认识。

    Judicial cognition is a kind of historical cognition regulated by law .

  2. 论审美观照与历史认识的关系

    On the Relationship Between Aesthetic Outlook and Historical Cognition

  3. 柯林武德的重演理论及其在历史认识方面的影响

    R.G.Collingwood 's Theory of Re-Enactment and Its Influence on Historical Understanding

  4. 论文首先对历史认识问题的概念作了界定。

    This part initially defines the concept of the History Question .

  5. 正文的第一部分论述了中日两国间的历史认识问题现状。

    Chapter one discusses the present condition of the History Question .

  6. 首先,它为党史研究提供了科学的历史认识和评判尺度;

    Firstly , it provides scientific historic cognition and yardstick of judgement .

  7. 试论中日关系中的历史认识问题

    Analysis on the Issue of Correct Attitude towards History in Sino-Japanese Relations

  8. 基于知识的线状目标的综合理解历史认识真理的界定及其相关问题

    Knowledge based integrated understanding of the line featured objects

  9. 新时期历史认识客观性研究及其反思

    A Study on History Cognition Objectivity and Its Reflections in the New Era

  10. 历史认识的客观性问题,是历史认识中的一个重要问题。

    Objectivity is very important in understanding history .

  11. 历史认识的客观性、真理性与合理性

    Objectivity , Truthfulness and Rationality of Historical Cognition

  12. 历史认识的主观性成分与其他学科相比较要大得多,其内涵和表现也要复杂得多。

    It is believed that the cognition of history is more subjective than other courses .

  13. 并指出历史认识的绝对客观是不可能达成的;

    And pointed out that the history knows objectively is absolutely is impossible to achieve ;

  14. “历史认识问题”:中日关系发展的症结

    " The Issue of Understanding History ": the Crux in the Development of Sino-Japanese Relationship

  15. 简论历史认识的客观性问题

    On the Objectivity of Historical Knowledge

  16. 其中含量最大、最富于时代特色的就是对商人的描写,而且作品中所描写的商人作为文学形象又有深刻的历史认识价值。

    And the businessmen as literature images in the work have a deep historical cognition value .

  17. 正确理解和把握历史认识的客观性对历史科学的确立和历史研究都具有积极的意义。

    It is of great significance to understand history correctly and keep objectivity in history science .

  18. 历史认识主体认识客观的历史进程,要凭借一定的中介质。

    Historical cognition is a historical process that the subject knows the object by certain medium .

  19. 在历史认识上,混淆了事实一价值与现象&物自身之间的关系。

    On the historical understanding , confuse " fact-value " and " phenomenon-its " relationship between .

  20. 日本的社会教育与历史认识述论

    The Weaknesses Embodied in the Historical Comprehension of the Past Based on the Social Education in Japan

  21. 特殊备战经济:对云南三线建设的历史认识

    Economy of Preparing for War : A Study on the History of the Third-line Construction in Yunnan

  22. 历史认识的客观性

    The Objectivity of History Understanding

  23. 历史认识论中的主体

    The Subject in History Epistemology

  24. 历史认识:主体意识和主体的创造性

    Creative thinking of the subject of history recognition . Historical Recognition : Subject Consciousness and Subjective Creativity

  25. 由于主体性的渗透,使历史认识的真理从形式到内容都是主观的。

    The permeation of the corpus makes the truth of the history cognition subjective from form to content .

  26. 他的晚期作品挑战了我们的眼睛,挑战了我们的耐心,更挑战了我们对现代主义的历史认识。

    His late works challenge our eyes , our patience and even our understanding of history of modernism .

  27. 她们的悍妒行为包含着对社会某些法规礼教的强烈抗争,具有一定的历史认识意义。

    Their shrewish behaviours embody the strong fight against some social rules and ethics and possess historical cognitive meaning .

  28. 然而,现实中的历史认识问题,是直接关系到东亚共同体能否迅速建立的前提条件。

    But the historical knowledge related directly to the precondition of construction of the " East Asia Community " .

  29. 所谓历史认识的真理性是对客观历史规律的正确反映。

    The truthfulness of the so-called history cognition is the correct reflection of the law of the objective history .

  30. 历史认识对象的特殊性以及历史认识中的主体性的发挥,并不影响历史认识的客观性。

    The particularity of the object and the subjectivity in history understanding cannot at all influence the objectivity of history .