
  • 网络historic area;historic sites;Heritage site
  1. 城市历史地段景观设计研究

    Studies in Landscape Design of the Heritage Site in the Urban

  2. 景观设计承担着营造城市物质空间的任务,却并未在城市历史地段的改造和再利用的过程中发挥作用。

    Since landscape design has played an important role in building the material spaces of the urban , it doesn 't exert itself in the reconstruction and reuse of heritage site in the urban .

  3. 历史地段综合价值评价初探

    A Study on the Evaluation of Historic Site 's Comprehensive Value

  4. 西安城墙内侧历史地段保护规划研究

    Study on Conservation Planning of Historical Districts Inside the City Wall

  5. 体现城市历史地段景观的可持续发展思想;

    And embodiment the sustainable idea of historial landscape in city .

  6. 常州市青果巷历史地段有机更新研究

    On the organic renewal of a historical area in Changzhou City

  7. 城市历史地段保护中的文化环境保护&以南京夫子庙为例

    On the Cultural and Environmental Protection of the Historic Districts in Cities

  8. 城市历史地段中的建筑环境设计原则分析

    Principles of Architectural and Environmental Design in Urban Historic Area

  9. 对历史地段保护与开发的再认识

    Recognition of the protection and development of historic districts

  10. 论城市化进程中历史地段环境整治的设计理念

    Design Ideas of Environment Renovation in Historical Sectors in the Course of Urbanization

  11. 挖掘历史地段民俗文化积淀,创造历史城市地方保护特色&以扬州市老城区教场地段改造为例

    On the Reconstruction of Old City District in Yangzhou

  12. 城市历史地段居住建筑规划设计初探

    City Historic Site Planning and Design of Residential Buildings

  13. 城市化进程中历史地段的保护与更新&创造新地域建筑文化

    Conservation And Renew Of Historic Spots In Urbanizing Process

  14. 南京明故宫历史地段保护研究

    Study on planning strategies of the Forbidden City of Ming Dynasty in Nanjing

  15. 护城河两岸历史地段的规划设计研究

    Study on planning and design of historical area in two banks of moat

  16. 一个历史地段,几百年不绝的争议

    One Historical District Continuous Arguments for Several Hundred Years

  17. 历史地段的保护与更新是城市建设工作中的一个重要课题。

    The conservation and renew of historic spots is a major subject incity constructing .

  18. 历史地段建筑表皮的设计尝试

    Trial design of building Facades in historical area

  19. 杭州市历史地段保护规划

    Protection Planning for Historical Areas in Hangzhou City

  20. 昆明市历史地段保护与研究

    Preservation and Study of Historical Zone in Kunming

  21. 历史地段的城市设计&以天津英式风貌区为例

    Urban Design of the Historical Area & Urban Design of the Tianjing English Style District

  22. 浅析板桥镇青龙街典型历史地段的保护与更新

    On the protection and reparation of typical historical section in Qinglong street in Banqiao town

  23. 我国文物建筑和历史地段保护的先驱

    Pioneer of Protection of Historical Architecture

  24. 基于和谐社会理念下的历史地段的保护与开发

    On the Basis of the Ideal Harmonious Society about the Protection and Exploitation of Historic District

  25. 经县级以上人民政府核定公布的,应予以重点保护的历史地段。

    Public policy in the conservation districts of historic sites in Beijing is just in its beginning .

  26. 摘要历史地段的保护与更新在城市发展进程中具有突出的现实意义。

    The protection and renovation of historical area has outstanding practical meaning in the process of city development .

  27. 在历史地段的保护更新中要树立全面的长远的效益观,防止因开发商片面追求局部利益而损坏历史文化环境,影响整个城市的长远发展。

    The concept of long term benefit and comprehensive development must be set up in their preservation and renewal .

  28. 从离散走向综合&以商业和旅游为动力的历史地段更新机制分析

    Towards integrated status from discrete actuality & On the mechanism of historic site renewal catalyzed by commerce and tourism

  29. 文化绘图是解决城市地区,尤其是城市历史地段中一些复杂问题的一种方法。

    Cultural mapping is an approach to the problem-solving of complex issues within urban areas , particularly historic urban areas .

  30. 历史地段的住区更新开发总处于开发与保护的矛盾之中,一边是市场经济下的投资回报,另一边是历史场所的消逝。

    The renewal and development of the historic section is still under the contradiction between investment return and historic place fading .