
  • 网络The Tianning Temple;Tianning
  1. 天宁寺三圣塔位于沁阳市覃怀东路天宁寺旧址上。

    Sansheng Tower in Tianning Temple is located on the old sites of Tianning Temple which is on the east of Qinhuai Road , Qinyang City .

  2. 该文首次提出佛教至迟在三国时期就已传入雷州半岛,认为佛教盛行于雷州半岛更有其深层的原因,天宁寺至今仍是佛教在广东的中心之一。

    The Buddhism spreading has its causes , and the Heven-peace Temple is the position of Buddhist culture of the Leizhou Peninsular in the Buddhist cultures of Guangdong .