
lì shǐ huà
  • historical painting
  1. 认为中国古代虽然没有历史画概念,但历史画却是一个源远流长、不容忽视的客观存在。

    It believes that in the ancient times China did not have the concept of " historical painting ", but the " historical painting " was actually a well-established existence , which can not allow to be neglected .

  2. 所谓历史画指的是以历史事件为题材的绘画。

    Historic paintings refer to paintings that draw material from historic events .

  3. 中国近现代历史画分析

    The Analysis of Neoteric Chinese History Painting

  4. 最后结合自身历史画创作的思考与实践,阐述个人视域和绘制方式。

    Finally , combined with the thinking and practice of literary history painting , the individual horizon and rendering .

  5. 在学院学习的过程中,姜国芳即对以纯正的欧洲写实主义技巧来创作历史画感悟颇深。

    While a student in the Academy , he developed a profound understanding of portraying historic themes with pure European realism .

  6. 但作为皇家美术学院的院士,他也很明白历史画的重要性。

    But as a prominent member of the Royal Academy , he was well aware of the importance of history painting .

  7. 这门古老的绘画艺术形式在西方和东方经历了不同的发源、发展,流传至今。历史画由于其特殊的绘画内容和政治、宗教历来有着密不可分的联系。

    This ancient painting art form experiences to originate differently in the west and east , development , spread up to now .

  8. 雷诺兹列出了绘画中重要的题材,历史画位于榜首,风景画排在最后。

    Reynolds has established a list of important subject maters in painting that started with history and right at the bottom was landscape .

  9. 事实上,在当代的中国,如姜国芳般潜心于历史画创作的艺术家已是风毛麟角。

    In fact , there are scarcely any artists in present day China who devote themselves to the creation of historic paintings like Jiang .

  10. 从近期完成的作品来看,姜国芳的历史画创作出现了一些形式语言上的新进展。

    From his recently completed works , we can see new developments in the form of Jiang 's painting language emerging from his historic paintings .

  11. 维特林接受电话采访时还表示,《扫罗与大卫》是一幅罕见的出自伦勃朗艺术生涯中期的历史画。

    Van de Wetering , speaking in a telephone interview , added that the work was a rare history painting from Rembrandt 's middle period .

  12. 十九世纪初期,历史画被新古典主义和学院派奉为最正统、最高贵的绘画题材。

    In the beginning of the19th century , historic paintings were regarded by painters of neoclassicism and academism schools as the most orthodox and noblest paintings .

  13. 从春秋战国时期到十九世纪,历史画是中国画家十分关注的领域。

    From the Spring and Autumn periods and the Warring States period until the19th century , historic paintings were a very important area for Chinese painters .

  14. 历史画在十四世纪文艺复兴时代的意大利广泛流行,并与人文主义相结合,形成了丰富的精神内涵。

    Historic paintings became very popular in Italy during the Renaissance era in the14th century as they were merged with humanism and resulted in rich spiritual connotations .

  15. 维特林接受电话采访时还表示,《扫罗与大卫》是一幅“罕见的出自伦勃朗艺术生涯中期的历史画”。

    Van de Wetering , speaking in a telephone interview , added that the work was " a rare history painting from Rembrandt 's middle period . "

  16. 也就是说画家在开创历史画的崭新篇章的同时,自己也因在此领域中的开创性工作,而进入了历史的视野。

    That is to say , in the course of creating a new chapter in historic paintings , he himself has also entered onto the horizon of history .

  17. 而成为历史画题材的事件,往往是该民族众所周知的大事,同时画家在表现手法上,一般都力求理想化与典型化。

    Historic events used in historic paintings are usually major events widely known by society . Meanwhile , painters generally stress idealism and typification in their artistic expression .

  18. “雪中受伤的战士”是一幅历史画,由一位私人收藏家买走,从而她在十七岁就赢得了可以环游整个国家的资金。

    " The Wounded Warrior in the Snow ", a history painting , was bought by a private collector and won her a state travel grant when she was17 .

  19. 中国的历史画,在20世纪之前,一直比较边缘化,未受到政治统制中心和文化中心的高度重视。

    The history painting of China , before 20 centuries , has been compare the edge to turn , did not be height by the control center and culture center to value .

  20. 本文关注历史画在中国社会各个时期的地位、发展和成果,提请民众对历史画的注意和支持。

    This text concern history the painting is social each period in China of position , development and result , lift to invite the people to the attention and the support that history draw .

  21. 其次对高宗朝各绘画品种反映出的创作新倾向进行了总结,分为山水画、花鸟画、风俗画、历史画、人物画等方面。

    Second , new tendencies of the painting species have been summarized in emperor Gao-Zong dynasty , which consist of landscape painting , flower and bird painting , history painting , portrait and so on .

  22. 历史画不单单是艺术品,同时肩负了记录历史、传承民族精神、激励民族意识和志气的重大作用。

    The history painting is not only single is an art object , carried the record history and spread to accept the ethos and encourage the race consciousness and important function of the ambitions at the same time .

  23. 道释画是中国传统绘画中的重要画科,由于其与宗教有着紧密联系,因此在审美功能、艺术语言上也具有不同于风俗画、历史画等其他画科的艺术特色。

    Taoist and Buddhist paintings is an important traditional Chinese painting to painting , Because of its close ties with other religions , Therefore , the aesthetic function of language of art is also different from that of genre painting , history painting and other painting in the artistic characteristics .

  24. 现在,战后一个历史时期即将画上一个句号。

    Currently , the historical post-war period is drawing to an end .

  25. 当柏林墙倒塌、“铁幕”被拉开之际,一场历史竞赛似乎画上了句号。

    When the Berlin Wall fell and the iron curtain was raised , a historic competition appeared to have come to an end .

  26. 本文通过对历史上静物画的基本形态的考察,归纳出传统的诸种先验观物方式并揭示出其中中存在的共同缺陷:将物视为人类观念的附属品或外在于主体的对象性存在。

    This article investigate the history of still life paintings of basic morphological , summed up the traditional various prior to view objects and reveal in the presence of commondefects : will be regarded as adjuncts or human perception is the main object of existence .

  27. 首先通过对当代中国画写生观念的反思,回顾画史,重新审视历史上山水画大家们对待写生的状态和言论,以及由此折射出他们专心致志、一以贯之的对待艺术人生的态度。

    First of all , through the concept of contemporary Chinese painting draw reflection draw Recalling history , re-examine the history of landscape painting everyone who treat the state and freedom of speech , and hence a reflection of their outstanding and a consistent attitude towards the arts of life .

  28. 这座历史建筑和这些画一样,都是留给我们的文化遗产的一部分。

    The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings .

  29. 而今,鼻烟壶盛鼻烟的功能已成为历史,而以内画载体的形势出现。

    Now , snuff bottle used for snuff function become history already , and less than situation to paint carrier appear .

  30. 具有悠久历史的水墨山水画是人们长期以来的文化及生活的积累,也是具有代表性的中国绘画艺术的重要部分。

    Landscape painting with china ink with three thousand years of history is the accumulation of culture and life and represents one chapter of the Chinese pictorial arts .