
  1. 用核心词的阶曲线来判定语源关系,是陈保亚对历史语言学研究的最新发展。

    It is a new development in historic linguistics to judge the genetic relation of languages by the Curve theory of Ranks put up by Prof.

  2. 通过对共时音变的考察揭示历时音变的形成过程,丰富了历史语言学的研究。

    Discover the form procession of the historical phonetic change via reviewing the contemporary phonetic change and enrich the research of the historical language .

  3. 历史语言学的研究还可以使我们对非语言的因素,如社会文化和心理因素等在语言变化过程中所起的作用有更深的认识。

    The historical study of language also enables us to determine how non-linguistic factors , such as social , cultural and psychological factors , interact over time to trigger linguistic change .

  4. 运用描写语言学、对比语言学、历史语言学的研究方法,对蒲城方言的语音、词汇、语法系统进行了客观分析,总结出蒲城方言的特点。

    At the some time , adopt the method of descriptive linguistics , contrastive linguistics and historical linguistics , objectively analyze the phonological , lexical and grammatical systems , and conclude the characteristics of Pucheng dialect .

  5. 他的研究是建立在中国传统音韵学研究基础之上的,同时将西方近现代语音学、方言学与历史比较语言学研究方法系统应用于中古音研究中,取得了辉煌的成就。

    His research is based on the research of traditional Chinese phonology , and comprehensively applies the Western modern phonetics , dialectology and historical linguistics into the study of Ancient Chinese phonology , having made brilliant achievements .

  6. 第五,有助于了解民族间文化交往的历史以及历史语言学的研究。

    Fifthly , it will help to understand the history of cultural exchanges among different nationalities .

  7. 从历史的意义看,历史比较语言学研究具体语言的历史发展。

    It is historical in the sense that it deals with the historical development of individual languages .