
  • 网络historical literature
  1. 中国当代历史文学:面向全球化的新语境

    China 's Contemporary Historical Literature : Towards the Context of Globalization

  2. 理解历史文学:叙事塑形与历史意识

    Understanding Historical Literature : Narrative Configuration and Historical Sense

  3. 第五,关于历史文学、史书文字写作方面的问题。

    Fifth , it includes the history of literature and historical writing problems .

  4. 历史文学中的封建帝王评价问题

    Subjective Involvement in Evaluating Feudal Monarchs in Historical Literature

  5. 历史文学的真实性和吸烟习尚

    The Reality of Historical Literature and Vogue of Smoking

  6. 思古源于抚今,优秀的历史文学总是以自己特有的方式参与当下文化重建。

    Outstanding historical literature usually participates in cultural rebuilding in its own peculiar way .

  7. 20世纪史家论历史文学

    20th Century Historians On Literature of Historical Themes

  8. 试论《左传》历史文学之成就

    On ZUO ZUAN 's Achievement in History Literature

  9. 我拿到的是历史文学学位

    I had a degree in history literature

  10. 重建&历史文学创作的必由之路

    Re-Construction as a Must for Historical Literature

  11. 历史文学与文献关系

    The Relation of Historical Literature and Documents

  12. 中国现代历史文学创作简论

    Modern Historical Literature in China

  13. 本文主要从语义及逻辑上分析了历史文学这一概念,认为:历史文学在语义指向上模糊不清,逻辑上自相矛盾,不足以自成一种文体。

    This thesis analyzes the conception of " historical literature " from semantic and logic point of view .

  14. 课程包括拉丁语、古文字学和那些时期的历史文学。

    Courses include Latin , paleography , as well as courses in the history and literature of these periods .

  15. 这种历史文学发展至《史记》,文史的结合达到了高度的成熟与完美。

    Such historical literature reached its culmination in Historical Records ( Shi Ji ), a perfect combination of literature and history .

  16. 历史文学叙述行为有其自在特征,主要表现在历史文学对历史真实、文学真实、艺术假定、虚构限度等的特别强调。

    The historical literature has its own charateristics in the ways of its narration , which especially of fabrication , and so on .

  17. 对这样一个不应被忽视的历史文学现象,现有的文学史、小说史著作却大多未曾涉及。

    However , the modern literary history and novel history works have not studied this historic literary phenomenon which ought not to be neglected .

  18. 论文阐释了20世纪80~90年代非主流历史文学的历史观的形成原因,分章论述了新历史主义的历史观、女性主义的历史观和民间意识的历史观和消费主义的历史观。

    Hence the complicated historic ideas are formed . This thesis expatiate the formation of the none-mainstream historic literature of the 80 's and 90 's of the 20th century .

  19. 这既是韩国宝贵的历史文学遗产,又表明中韩文化交流的源远流长。

    It is a precious historical literature heritage of South Korea as well as evidence of distant origin and long development of the cultural exchange between South Korea and China .

  20. 隐喻的民族性体现于民族的地域性特征、民族思维方式、民族习俗、民族文化传统和历史文学典籍五个方面。

    The national characteristics of metaphor are embodied in the following aspects : the geographical features , mode of thinking , customs , cultural tradition and historical and literary books and records and so on .

  21. 历史、文学和语言学属于人文学科。

    History , literature and linguistics are among the arts .

  22. 现代教育有三大内容-古典文学、现代历史和文学、以及自然科学

    There are three great constituents of modern education -- the classics , modern history and literature , and science .

  23. 苏联领导人米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)的开放政策允许苏联成立之前以及苏联早期受打压的人物、历史和文学作品重见天日,在这种背景下,列娜•内米洛夫斯卡娅(LenaNemirovskaya)和尤里•塞诺科索(YuriSenokosov)酝酿创办莫斯科政治研究学院

    The Moscow School was planned as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev 's policy of openness allowed the exhumation of the suppressed people , histories and literature of pre-Soviet times and the USSR 's early years .

  24. 革命历史题材文学创作审美倾向的变迁

    Change of Aesthetic Preference in Contemporary Literature of Chinese Revolutionary History

  25. 在三个人的心目中,历史是文学的一个部分。

    To all three history was a branch of literature .

  26. 它广泛吸收历史上文学、学和东方古代生态智慧,加以综合。

    It draws extensively from literature , theology and ancient oriental wisdom .

  27. 史传文学是把历史与文学融为一体的文学体式。

    Historical biography literature is constituted of history and literature .

  28. 论新历史主义文学史观

    On the View of Literary History within the New Historicism

  29. 杜威的社会历史的文学思想&实用主义美学研究

    Dewey 's Literary Thought of Social History & Aesthetic Ideas of Pragmatism

  30. 论新历史主义文学批评产生的背景

    On the Birth Background of Literary Criticism of New Historicism