
  • Water administrative department;【水】department of water administration
  1. 利用计算机与GIS技术实现地下水信息化管理是各级水行政主管部门深化地下水管理的主要手段,它对地下水的开发、节约、保护有着现实的意义。

    Realizing groundwater information management with computer and GIS technology is main instrument that all levels water administration management department deepen groundwater management , it has practical meaning in the exploitations economy protection of groundwater .

  2. 水行政主管部门在发放取水许可证之前,应明确其可分配的水资源量。

    Water administration authorities should define its water resource amount of assigning before granting water diverting licence .

  3. 依法加强水能资源管理工作,历史性地摆到了各级政府水行政主管部门面前。

    Water energy resources management in accordance with law is presented to water administrative departments al all levels .

  4. 限定航速的标志,由交通主管部门与水行政主管部门商定后设置。

    Marks for speed restrictions shall be set up upon the consultation between administrative departments for transportation and water conservancy .

  5. 研究对水行政主管部门应对气候变化导致的水文趋势变化及可能加剧的河流水生态与环境问题具有重要的指导意义。

    The research is important to deal with climate change , including hydrological trend changes and the possible ecological environment problems .

  6. 水行政主管部门检查时,被检查者应当如实提供有关的情况和资料。

    When the water conservancy administrative department exercises inspect ion , the inspected should truthfully provide the information and materials concerned .

  7. 前款规定的工程设施竣工验收时,应当有水行政主管部门参加。

    The acceptance of engineering structures mentioned in the preceding paragraph upon completion should be taken part in by the water conservancy administrative department .

  8. 安排施工时,应当按照水行政主管部门审查批准的位置和界限进行。

    In the arrangement for the construct ion project , the position and border should be followed as approved by the water conservancy administrative department .

  9. 建设项目投入生产或者使用时,其防洪工程设施应当经水行政主管部门验收。

    When the construction project is to be put into operation or use , their flood control works should pass the acceptance by the water conservancy administrative department .

  10. 赔偿责任和赔偿金额的纠纷,可以根据当事人的请求,由水行政主管部门处理;

    Any dispute over the liability or amount of compensation may , upon the request by a party , be dealt with by the Department of water administration ;

  11. 整治航道,应当符合江河、湖泊防洪安全要求,并事先征求水行政主管部门的意见。

    The realignment of navigable waterways should conform to the safety requirements for flood control in rivers and lakes and views solicited in advance from the water conservancy administrative departments .

  12. 尽管近年来各地各级水行政主管部门依法加强管理,采取了多种积极有效的措施,为创造良好的社会稳定环境及构建和谐社会做了积极、有效的工作。

    Recent years , water administrative departments at local levels strengthen management according to law , and take effective measures and actions for creating a stable social environment and harmonious society .

  13. 土地排水事务上诉委员会第六条国务院水行政主管部门主管全国的水土保持工作。

    Drainage Appeal Board Panel Article 6 The department of water administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the work of water and soil conservation throughout the county .

  14. 生态村可分为初级生态村、标准生态村、先进生态村,先进生态村由各级政府的水行政主管部门予以命名。

    Ecological village can be divided into preliminary , standardized and advanced ones . The advanced ecological village should be nominated by the government department of water resource management at various level .

  15. 查阅必要的资料,并对劳动场所进行检查。水行政主管部门检查时,被检查者应当如实提供有关的情况和资料。

    Get access to the necessary materials and the working sites for examination . When the water conservancy administrative department exercises inspect ion , the inspected should truthfully provide the information and materials concerned .

  16. 国家确定的重要江河的规划治导线由流域管理机构拟定,报国务院水行政主管部门批准。

    Planned realigning and leading lines for major rivers designated by the state shall be worked out by river basin administrative agencies and submitted to the water conservancy administrative department under the State Council for approval .

  17. 县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门,主管本辖区的水土保持工作。

    The departments of water administration under the local people ' governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the work of water and soil conservation in areas under their respective jurisdiction .

  18. 辽宁省水功能区划研究是适应水行政主管部门职能转变的要求,满足辽宁省经济社会可持续发展的需要,是水资源保护规划中必须开展的基础性研究。

    To adapt the requirements of function change of main water administrative departments and meet the demands of sustainable social economic development of Liaoning Province , water functional regionalization is a fundamental and essential research for planning of water resource protection .

  19. 各级水行政主管部门要按照《行政许可法》和《水法》的要求,不断完善入河排污口设置审批工作制度,依法行政,从严控制污染物进入水域的关口。

    It is urged that all levels of water administrative departments constantly improve the examination system for approving pollution discharge into the rivers in line with the Administration Permission Law and Water Law , so as to strictly control pollutants into the water bodies .

  20. 《长江河道采砂管理条例》自2002年1月1日开始实施。水利部长江水利委员会和沿江各级水行政主管部门对长江河道采砂实施依法管理,做了大量富有成效的探索工作。

    After the Regulations on Sand Excavation in Yangtze River Channels came into effect on January 1 , 2002 , Yangtze River Water Resources Commission and water administrative departments at all levels along the Yangtze River made great effective efforts in sand excavation management .

  21. 建设项目可行性研究报告按照国家规定的基本建设程序报请批准时,应当附具有关水行政主管部门审查批准的洪水影响评价报告。

    When submitted for approval according to the procedures set by the state for capital construction , the feasibility study report of the construction project should include the flood impact assessment report having been examined and approved by the relevant water conservancy administrative department .

  22. 确需围垦的,应当进行科学论证,经水行政主管部门确认不妨碍行洪、输水后,报省级以上人民政府批准。

    If enclosure is really necessary , scientific authentication should be carried out and on confirmation by the water conservancy administrative department that there is no impediment of flood discharge and water flow , submitted to the people 's government at or above the provincial level for approval .

  23. 在相当长的时期内,江苏水源公司的运作应主要依靠政府(水行政主管部门)的管理,公共财政的支持,水价形成机制的建立等外部环境运行。

    In quite long period , the operation of Jiangsu water source Co. Ltd mainly depends on the exterior environments ' operation , such as the management of government ( department of water administration ), public financial transfer payment , and the establishment of water rate formation mechanism .

  24. 加强水行政管理树立水行政主管部门权威

    Strengthening water administration management adn establishing authority of water administration department

  25. 正确的对水资源进行风险评价计算,为政府水行政主管部门提供科学管理的决策依据,指导水资源合理配置与高效利用成为要解决的关键问题。

    Correct risk assessment of water resource calculation for the government department of water administration decision-making based on scientific management , the guiding rational allocation of water resources and the efficient use to be the key to solve the problem .

  26. 城市计划节约用水管理是提高水开发利用效率和效益的重要措施,是水行政主管部门的重要职能。

    The saving water management is improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water development and utilization , which is the important functions for water administration departments .

  27. 全国水资源的综合科学考察和调查评价,由国务院水行政主管部门会同有关部门统一进行。

    Comprehensive scientific investigation , survey and assessment of water resources throughout the entire country shall be performed by the department of water administration under the State Council jointly with other departments concerned .

  28. 由于水资源时空分布不均衡,水污染日益加剧,长江流域水资源供需矛盾越来越突出,节水已引起流域机构和地方各级水行政主管部门的高度重视。

    Becoming more and more serious because of non-matching water resources distribution and serious water pollution , the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources in the Yangtze Basin has become the priority of the basin authority and various local governments .