
  • 网络Repulse Bay;Shallow Bay;Repluse Bay
  1. 浅水湾道1号是澳门赌王何鸿燊(StanleyHo)的住宅。一位参观过该住宅的人说,这座住宅不仅反映了其主人的财富,也反映了他属于上世纪70年代的审美情趣。

    No 1 Repulse Bay Road is the residence of Stanley Ho , the gambling king of Macao , and the house reflects both the wealth and 1970s aesthetic sensibilities of its occupant , according to one person who has visited .

  2. 由于接近市区,浅水湾是香港最多人到的海滩。

    Due to its proximity to the city , Repulse Bay is one of the most popular beaches in Hong kong .

  3. 波斯湾是从印度洋延伸出来的一个浅水湾。

    The Gulf is a shal-low offshoot of the Indian ocean .

  4. 相约浅水湾的下午茶

    Have an afternoon tea at Repulse Bay Hotel

  5. 青岛香港花园浅水湾立面设计

    Facade design of Hongkong Garden in Qingdao

  6. 这一句不能译作:“你喜欢约翰陪你去还是玛丽陪你去浅水湾?”如要表达此意,应该说。

    Would you like John , or Mary , to go with you to Repulse Bay ?

  7. 到最后,你会发现,只有浅水湾的鲨鱼才是一个大善人根。

    To the last , you will find that only the RepulseBay is a big shark improving root .

  8. 香港岛上有几个,包括石澳的大浪湾或托尼浅水湾的海滩,但是在周末他们确实很拥挤。

    Hong Kong Island has several , including Big Wave Bay in Shek O or the beach at tony Repulse Bay , but they do get crowded on weekends .

  9. 位于浅水湾道129号的这处地产被某些人戏谑为如心之墓,自近7年前由华懋集团建成以来,它一直处于空置状态。

    Referred to irreverently by some as Nina 's tomb , the property at 129 Repulse Bay road has lain dormant and empty since its completion by Chinachem almost seven years ago .