
qiǎn hūn mí
  • Light coma;subcoma
  1. 有效:8≤GCS≤12,昏睡至浅昏迷,强刺激可睁眼,对疼痛有定位。瞳孔对光反射灵敏。

    Effective : 8GCS12coma to shallow coma , strong stimulation can open your eyes , the pain has positioning . Pupilary light reflex sensitive .

  2. 浅浅的呼吸;睡得不熟的、烦躁的夜晚;浅昏迷。

    Shallow breathing ; a night of shallow fretful sleep ; in a shallow trance .

  3. 为此主张对浅昏迷病人急救插管给予适当麻醉剂或镇静剂。

    Therefore , it is advisable that semicoma patients for emergency endotracheal intubation should be administered and anesthetic or sedative .

  4. 方法将急性海洛英中毒患者127例按昏迷程度分为中毒伴浅昏迷组、中毒伴深昏迷组。

    Methods According to the extent of coma , 127 cases were divided into light coma group and deed coma group .

  5. 特别适用于浅昏迷病人或是躁动病人,减轻了医护人员工作量。

    The anti-fall transfusion apparatus is particularly suitable for patients in light coma or dysphoria to reduce the workload of medical personnel .

  6. 表现为深昏迷5例,浅昏迷10例,其余4例。病因诊断主要为弥漫性缺氧性脑病。

    Among them , deep coma caused death in 5 cases , mild coma in 10 cases and diffuse anoxic encephalopathy in 4 cases .

  7. 结果:术后除1例出血量大,术后6小时死亡外,其余患者脑疝解除,当日清醒18例,意识朦胧6例,浅昏迷30例,深昏迷5例。

    Results : One case died of severe hemorrhage 6 hours after operation , and encephalocele of the others was relieved . There were 18,6,30 and 5 cases in consciousness , clouding of consciousness , mild coma and deep coma respectively at the operation day .