
  • 网络deep coma;deep comatose
  1. 结果CSI0~100是从清醒到深昏迷、脑死亡一个连续不断的刻度范围,与患者昏迷深度确切相关,与GCS、体征反射相应消涨;

    Results As scale range meaning from consciousness to deep coma and to brain death , CSI 0 - 100 was positively correlated with coma depth , coma score of GCS and physical reflection .

  2. 方法:对意识不清、呼吸微弱且不规则或深昏迷、无自主呼吸者立即行MV,根据血气分析结果调整呼吸机参数。

    Methods : MV was promptly applied to the patients with symptoms of unconsciousness , deep coma , irregular breath and no autonomous respiration , and adjustment of MV parameter was made based on the blood gas analysis .

  3. 结果:深昏迷患儿双侧MCA呈全舒张期反向血流或尖小收缩波频谱,血流方向指数(DFI)<0.8,持续2小时以上无恢复,是预示或证实小儿脑死亡较可靠的指标;

    The results showed that persistence of retrograde diastolic flow or small systolic forward flow with direction of flow index ( DFI ) < 0.8 in bilateral MCA for more than 2 hours in severely comatose children was a reliable indicator for predicting or confirming brain death .

  4. 方法将急性海洛英中毒患者127例按昏迷程度分为中毒伴浅昏迷组、中毒伴深昏迷组。

    Methods According to the extent of coma , 127 cases were divided into light coma group and deed coma group .

  5. 表现为深昏迷5例,浅昏迷10例,其余4例。病因诊断主要为弥漫性缺氧性脑病。

    Among them , deep coma caused death in 5 cases , mild coma in 10 cases and diffuse anoxic encephalopathy in 4 cases .

  6. 结果:术后除1例出血量大,术后6小时死亡外,其余患者脑疝解除,当日清醒18例,意识朦胧6例,浅昏迷30例,深昏迷5例。

    Results : One case died of severe hemorrhage 6 hours after operation , and encephalocele of the others was relieved . There were 18,6,30 and 5 cases in consciousness , clouding of consciousness , mild coma and deep coma respectively at the operation day .