
shēn zǐ sè
  • Deep purple;dark purple color
  1. 但这些早期的植物使用的可能是一种叫做视黄醛的东西,它是深紫色的。

    But these early plants probably used something called retinal , which is a dark purple color .

  2. 受艺术家青睐的深紫色花

    The deep purple flowers so beloved by artists

  3. 对于其他的一些人来说,U也许是深紫色或柠檬黄。

    For someone else , U might be deep purple or lemon yellow .

  4. lobes深紫色红色栗色叶片;

    Deep purple red to maroon leaves ;

  5. 去年,鲍德温染了一头粉色,穿着落肩的TommyHilfiger,头戴花冠出席Met,陪伴在侧的是第一次出席该盛典的萌德,他穿了深紫色的TommyHilfiger的西服。

    Last year , a pink-haired Baldwin wore a custom off-the-shoulder look by Tommy Hilfiger and flower crown for her Met Moment , standing alongside Mendes , dressed in an eggplant-colored Tommy Hilfiger suit for his first ever Met Gala .

  6. 西地中海地区的一种鳞茎状鸢尾,通常具堇色至深紫色的花。

    Bulbous iris of western Mediterranean region having usually violet-purple flowers .

  7. 哦,深紫色,好的,深紫色。

    Oh , and darker purple , okay , darker purple .

  8. 单瓣到半重瓣的星形缟花,亮眼的珊瑚色外缟,深紫色内缟及喷点。

    Single-semidouble chimera vivid coral star / purple stripe , fantasy .

  9. 半重瓣星形缟花,奶油白到浅粉的外缟,蓝到深紫色的内缟。

    Semidouble chimera cream-white to blush pink star / blue-purple stripe .

  10. 它的颜色是深紫色,带有辛辣的口味和香草味。

    Deep purple in colour with aromas of spices and vanilla .

  11. 半重瓣?型缟花,带红色的酒红色到深紫色外缟,白色内缟。

    Semidouble chimera reddish wine-purple frilled pansy / white stripe .

  12. 半重瓣星状花,深紫色镶暗紫色边,再滚波浪白色边。

    Semidouble dark lavender star / purple band , white wavy edge .

  13. 花色自淡紫色至深紫色,芳香。

    Design and color from lilac to modena , balmy .

  14. 缠绕藤本植物,叶有毛,花深紫色。

    Twining vine with hairy foliage and dark purplish-brown flowers .

  15. 单瓣暗深紫色小花,每支花梗开5-8朵花,非常会开花。

    Single small dark purple , 5-8 per peduncle , very floriferous .

  16. 东印度一种有用的深紫色树。

    East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood .

  17. 重瓣星型花,大朵深紫色,花瓣端有变异的暗深紫色和绿色。

    Double purple large star / variable darker purple and green tips .

  18. 半重瓣的薰衣草到红色大朵星型花,变异时有深紫色喷点。

    Semidouble lavender-red large star / variable dark purple fantasy .

  19. 半重瓣堇型花,白色,深浅不一的紫色镶边,变异的深紫色晕染其中。

    Semidouble white pansy / purple two-tone frilled edge , variable purple mottling .

  20. 清晨的太阳投下了深紫色的影子。

    The early morning sun cast deep purple shadows .

  21. 小的澳大利亚树,有可食用的深紫色的果实。

    Small Australian tree bearing edible dark purple fruit .

  22. 北美桑树,深紫色果实,可食。

    North American mulberry having dark purple edible fruit .

  23. 半重瓣明亮粉红色的堇型花,有宽的梅子色到深紫色的边。

    Semidouble bright pink pansy / wide raspberry-purple edge .

  24. 半重瓣的淡紫色堇型花,深紫色和梅子色的斑块。

    Semidouble mauve pansy / purple and raspberry markings .

  25. 一种红紫到深紫色染料,从蜗牛体内获取或人工合成。

    A red-purple to deep purple dye obtained from snails or made synthetically .

  26. 半重瓣的粉红色到薰衣草色折边堇型花,梅子色和深紫色的喷点,梅子色到深紫色的镶边。

    Semidouble pink-lavender ruffled pansy / raspberry and purple fantasy , raspberry-purple edge .

  27. 为其深紫色果实而种植的巴西西番莲。

    Brazilian passionflower cultivated for its deep purple fruit .

  28. 此外,死亡谷中还开有其他较常见的野花。例如深紫色的钟穗花;

    Some of the other more common flowers include the deep purple phacelia ;

  29. 单瓣深紫色到蓝色的花。中绿色尖型叶,叶面光滑多毛。迷你型。

    Single purple-blue . Medium green , pointed , hairy , glossy . Miniature .

  30. 半重瓣的堇形波折边缟花,一般深紫色外缟,白色内缟,花瓣边缘还有蓝色的斑块。

    Semidouble chimera medium purple frilled pansy / white stripe , blue side markings .