
  • 网络hong kong heritage museum;HKHM
  1. 现正在沙田兴建的香港文化博物馆,在本港同类博物馆中规模最大。

    The Hong Kong Heritage Museum , under construction in Sha Tin , will be the largest of its kind in the SAR .

  2. 香港文化博物馆“金庸馆”于日前盛大揭幕,香港众多政要名流都前往参加了揭幕式。

    Dignitaries and celebrities in Hong Kong attended an event which marked the grand opening at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum of Jin Yong Gallery .

  3. 他的作品为香港艺术馆、香港文化博物馆及香港电影资料馆所藏。

    His works are in the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art , Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Hong Kong Film Archive .

  4. 故宫博物院与香港当局签署兴建香港故宫文化博物馆的合作备忘录。

    The Palace Museum and Hong Kong authorities have signed a memorandum of cooperation on the Hong Kong Palace Museum in Beijing .