
  • 网络stardust
  1. 然而,在星尘号星际尘埃收集器(IDC)寻找异常微小的星际尘埃是极为困难的。

    However , finding the incredibly tiny interstellar dust impacts in the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector ( SIDC ) will be extremely difficult .

  2. 星尘号飞船打开了一个采集彗星尾部尘埃的收集器。

    Stardust opened a collector to capture material from the comet 's tail .

  3. 我们正在分析星尘号的彗星样品。

    We are analyzing Stardust cometary samples .

  4. 在伯克利进行的从星尘号彗星尘埃收集器中提取楔石。

    Extraction at Berkeley of a keystone from a tile on the Stardust cometary dust collector .

  5. 星尘号上的珍宝并不能回答所有这些永恒的问题。

    The precious particles on Stardust do not have all the answers to these eternal questions .

  6. 与之相反,星尘号收集的星际尘埃直接来自星际空间。

    In contrast , the interstellar dust collected by Stardust comes directly from local interstellar space .

  7. 星尘号被设定携带这些粒子于2006年1月15日返回地球。

    Stardust is set to return to Earth with the particles on January 15 , 2006 .

  8. 换句话说一股星际尘埃的洪流正从我们门前流过,星尘号被派去进行采集。

    It was , in other words , a stream of interstellar dust flowing right at our doorstep , and Stardust was sent out to collect .

  9. 根据以前的经验我们知道透射照明比反射照明要好太多了,但是因为这些铝衬板使我们没办法在星尘号的星际尘埃收集器上这么用。

    We know from previous experience that transmitted illumination is vastly better than reflected , but we 've been prevented from using it on the Stardust interstellar collectors because of these aluminum foils .