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  • robin;birds of myna family
  • 〔~鹆〕鸟,能模仿人说话。亦称“八哥儿”。

  • 鸟类的一属,体小,尾巴长,嘴短而尖,羽毛美丽。

  1. “因为美洲红尾鸲每年都返回同一地区繁殖后代,所以返回时间推迟会使它们的到达时期与繁殖时期很难保持一致。”Studds说。

    " Because American redstarts return to the same site to breed each year , arriving later may make it harder for them remain to remain in synch with their breeding cycle ," Studds said .

  2. 每只红尾鸲的腿上都用彩带绑上了一个独特的跟踪设备。

    Each individual was fitted with a unique combination of colored leg bands .

  3. 适宜营巢的土坡是金色林鸲巢址选择的基本条件。

    The slopes suitable for nesting might be the basic conditions of their nest site selection .

  4. 北红尾鸲育雏期的观察

    Observation of Daurian Redstart 's Brooding

  5. 他家养的鸲鹆会学人说话,还会背诗呢。

    The Crested Myna in his home can not only repeat what others say but also recite poems .

  6. 2002年秋和2003年春分别捕获了1751只和684只红胁蓝尾鸲。

    A total of 1,751 and 684 Red-flanked Bush Robins were captured in fall 2002 and in spring 2003 , respectively .

  7. 这种行为使得一些事情变得更简单了&像对红尾鸲个体的跟踪、记录春季变化偏差等。

    These behaviors made it relatively easy to keep track of individual birds over multiple years and document changing spring departures .

  8. 开放区和非开放区内地面营巢的金色林鸲的繁殖结果和繁殖投入没有显著差异。

    There is no significant difference for the breeding results and reproductive investment of the Golden Bush Robin in these two areas .

  9. 北红尾鸲在辽宁省为夏候鸟,居留期长达半年。

    Phoenicurus auroreus auroreus is a summer resident bird in Liaoning province , its resident period is more than half a year .

  10. 为了验证这一点,史密森学会的科学家们和牙买加科学家共同实施了一项长期研究&观察美洲红尾鸲在牙买加非繁殖地的生活。

    To examine this , the Smithsonian scientists focused on American redstarts ( Setophaga ruticilla ), a member of the warbler family , at a non-breeding site in Jamaica where they conduct long-term studies .

  11. 通过对中国科学院动物研究所标本馆117只白腹短翅鸲雄鸟标本的测量,发现成体雄鸟的翅长和尾长明显大于亚成体(t检验,P<0.001)。

    Having measured 117 specimens collected in the museum of Institute of Zoology , we found that the wings and tail lengths of the adult males were significantly larger than those of sub-adult males ( t-test , P < 0.001 ) .

  12. 人类活动和地面小型兽类的活动可能是影响金色林鸲巢址选择、巢的分布和数量的重要因素。(3)环境因子的变化和人类活动对不同巢位的鸟类产生不同的影响。

    Human disturbance and the activities of small mammals might be important factors affecting nest site selection , distribution and quantity of their nests . ( 3 ) Human activities and different environmental factors made different effect on the birds with different nesting types .
