
  • 网络Nelumbo;Nelumbo Adans;lotus;Nelumbo nucifera
  1. 莲属(Nelumbo)植物的分子细胞遗传学研究

    Studies on Molecular Cytogenetics of Nelumbo

  2. 在一些分类中认为是独立的莲科;包含简单的莲属。

    In some classifications considered an independent family of water lilies ; comprises the single genus Nelumbo .

  3. HPLC法测定贵州产八角莲属药材中鬼臼毒素的含量

    HPLC determination of podophyllotoxin in Dysosma genus from Guizhou province

  4. 依照王文采和李良千最新系统,云南有铁线莲属(Clematis)植物59种24变种,分属于3亚属6组,是中国该属种类分布最多的省份。

    According to the latest system of Wang and Li ( 2005 ), there are 59 species and 24 varieties in 6 sections of 3 subgenera in the genus of Clematis in Yunnan , which is the richest province in terms of species numbers in China .

  5. 湖北八角莲属植物叶表皮研究

    Studies on the leaf epidermis of Dysosma in Hubei Province

  6. 云南省铁线莲属药用资源调查

    Resource Investigation of Medicinal Species of Clematis in Yunnan Province

  7. 云南产两种半边莲属药用植物氨基酸分析

    Compositions of Amino Atids in two Kinds of lobelia Plant from Yunnan

  8. 铁线莲属植物的化学成分及药理作用研究概况

    Review of chemical constituents and pharmacological actions of Clematis species

  9. 云南铁线莲属花卉种质资源及开发利用

    Flower Germplasm Resources of Clematis in Yunnan Province and Their Developmental Foreground

  10. 荚莲属观赏植物资源的研究

    Studies on Germplasm of ornamental plants in Viburnum genus

  11. 结论化合物Ⅰ~Ⅳ为首次从铁线莲属中分离得到。

    CONCLUSION Compound ⅰ~ⅳ are isolated from Clematis genus for the first time .

  12. 机织印度亚麻(昂天莲属)织物

    Fabric of Indian flax ( abroma ), woven

  13. 陕西野生铁线莲属植物种质资源及观赏应用研究

    Study on the Application and Appreciation of Species Resource of Wild Clematis in Shaanxi

  14. 毛茛科铁线莲属植物为风行世界的园艺花卉品种;

    Plants belong to clematis genus of buttercup family are popular in the world .

  15. 甘肃产芍药属及铁线莲属植物新分类群

    New taxa of Paeonia and Clematis from Gansu

  16. 任何铁线莲属的观赏攀援植物,通常开美丽的花。

    Any of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy flowers .

  17. 北美的一种赤莲属植物,具有单生的以黄色为中心的白色花朵。

    North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue-or pink-tinted exteriors .

  18. 莲属具特殊的形态。

    Nelumbo had particular morphologies .

  19. 贵州珍稀濒危药材八角莲属种质资源调查及质量研究

    Research on Quality and Investigation to Resources of the Rare and Endangered Medicinal Materials of Dysosma in Guizhou

  20. 因此,莲属是一个非常独特的、原始的植物类群,应该单独成科并立目,并且可能是被子植物系统树基部的一个在双子叶植物与单子叶植物分化之前就分开的进化分枝。

    This taxon possibly was a basal clade in systematic tree of angiosperm diverged earlier than the divarication between Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon .

  21. 主要产于美国北部的多年生草本植物,具球茎;犬齿赤莲;瓶儿小草属蕨类;赤莲属的一种植物;赤莲。

    Perennial bulbous herbs most of northern United states : dogtooth violet ; adder 's tongue ; trout lily ; fawn lily .

  22. 云南铁线莲属植物特有现象较为突出:含中国特有的56种(含变种),占云南总种数的67·2%;

    There are 56 species ( include varieties ) endemic to China , accounting for 67.2 % of Yunnan ′ s total number of species .

  23. 湖北铁线莲属大部分种类分布在鄂西山区。蝙蝠的一种最大且分布最广的种类。

    Most of the species of Clematis from Hubei concentrate in the west montane region of Hubei . largest and most widely distributed genus of bats .

  24. 综述了近年来国内外对半边莲属药用植物的研究进展,以期能有效利用云南产丰富的此属植物资源。

    In this paper , the advances in research of lobelia speices plants are reviewed in order to utilize rich resource of plants in Yunnan province .

  25. 传统的分类将莲属归在睡莲科,然目前多数学者支持将莲属由睡莲科中独立出来成莲目的地位。

    Seeds are classification included the genus within the Nymphaeaceae . However , considering many special morphological features , present studies support its systematic position belonged to Nelumbonales .

  26. 象扎根在泥中的莲属植物或漂浮在水面上的凤眼兰一样,部分或全部生活在水中的植物。

    A plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud , as a lotus , or floating without anchorage , as the water hyacinth .

  27. 湖北铁线莲属的地理成分以中国特有分布为主,中国特有成分占湖北种类总数的68.6%。

    The geographical elements of the flora of Clematis are rather simple , of which Chinese endemic elements are dominant , amounting to 68.6 % of the total species from Hubei .

  28. 介绍了浙江省铁线莲属药用植物种类、地理分布、本草记载、临床功效等,同时对该属资源合理利用作了建议。

    The paper reports the species geographical distrubition herbal record and curative effect of medicinal plant of Clematis in Zhejiang province , and also gives suggestions for rational development and utilization of them .