
  • 网络Padmasambhava;Guru Rinpoche;padma byung gnas
  1. 慢慢地,就会感觉自己与莲花生大士越来越接近,你和他的智慧心的鸿沟也越来越小。

    Gradually you will feel yourself coming closer to padmasambhava , and closing the gap between you and his wisdom mind .

  2. 曼达拉娃是个真正卓越超凡的女性,她是莲花生大士的虔诚弟子。

    Mandarava was a truly extraordinary woman and devoted student of Guru Rinpoche .

  3. 此地为佛陀骨灰安葬之处,该巨大的建筑是为伟大的印度莲花生大师建造的。

    The construction of this enormous complex , which venerates the place where the ashes of Buddha were buried , is attributed to the great Indian guru Padmasambawa .

  4. 据传,将佛教带到不丹的莲花生大师骑着一只会飞的雌虎来到此地。

    According to legend , Guru Rinpoche , who is 25 ) credited with bringing Buddhism to Bhutan , was carried here on the back of a flying tigress .

  5. 因此龙钦宁提法门是莲花生大士于公元九世纪伏藏起来,由仁增晋美林巴于十八世纪发掘成为德玛法门并将其传授给他的弟子们加以观修。

    So longchen nyingthig teachings are the teachings given by Guru Padmasambhava in the9th century that were discovered by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa in18th century as ter teachings and transmitted to his disciples to practice and to meditate .

  6. 据传,将佛教带到不丹的莲花生大师骑着一只会飞的雌虎来到此地。1692年,此地修筑了虎穴寺,以纪念不丹最重要的圣地之一。

    According to legend , Guru Rinpoche , who is credited with bringing Buddhism to Bhutan , was carried here on the back of a flying tigress . The monastery followed in 1692 , built to mark one of the most holy sites in Bhutan .

  7. 又相信:“诸天人民以至蜎飞蠕动之类,往生阿弥陀佛刹者,皆于七宝池莲花中化生。”

    They also believe that : " the people , even the larva , insects in heavens , the dead Amitabha they all emerge from the lotus flowers in the Seven-treasure Pool . "