
  • 网络Lian Xiang Lou Restaurant;Lotus Restaurant
  1. 近来,人们纷纷涌向莲香楼或中环附近的陆羽茶室(lukyuteahouse),以体验往昔的岁月。

    These days people flock to Lin Heung for a glimpse of the past , or the smarter Luk Yu teahouse nearby in central .

  2. 莲香楼是个简陋的茶馆,地上是很旧的地砖,摆着铁制的痰盂,屋顶上是呼呼吹着的吊扇。

    Lin Heung is a rough-and-ready sort of place , with a worn tiled floor , metal spittoons and ceiling fans whirring away .