
  • 网络ting hsin
  1. 在最近的这起丑闻中,顶新集团被控其销售的食用油里采用了劣质原材料,包括从香港和越南进口的本应用于动物饲料的产品。

    In the latest scandal , Ting Hsin is accused of selling cooking oils tainted with substandard materials , including products meant for animal feed it imported from Hong Kong and Vietnam .

  2. 前投资银行家张迅豪(NormanCheung)的迷你储物服务创业型企业走得更远。自1月份以来,他已从亚洲一些最知名的投资者募集810万美元,包括世界上最大方便面生产商顶新集团(TingHsingroup)的创始人。

    Norman Cheung , a former investment banker , has got much further with his micro-storage start-up , which has raised $ 8.1m since January from some of Asia 's best-known investors , including the founders of Ting Hsin group , the world 's biggest maker of instant noodles .

  3. 一个月后,针对顶新集团的调查被公之于众。

    The investigation into Ting Hsin was announced a month later .

  4. 通过合理的价格策略,顶新集团既保住了自己的市场霸主地位,又始终保持合理的利润率。

    By the reasonable price strategy , the Group has both kept its market dominance , and maintained reasonable profit margins .

  5. 最后,总结了统一建模语言在顶新集团便利快餐事业群的连锁快餐企业管理系统中的应用需要解决的问题。

    Finally , the author summarizes the problem of solving in the application of United Modeling Language in the software development process .

  6. 本月早些时候,魏应充卸下顶新集团旗下三家分公司的董事长职务,集团还宣布将退出台湾的食用油市场。

    Earlier this month , Mr. Wei stepped down as chairman of three Ting Hsin subsidiaries , and the company announced it was pulling out of the Taiwan market for cooking oil .

  7. 林先生说,在整个项目中,人力需求最密集的部分是研究哪些产品和顶新集团有关联,然后给它们拍照,输入到一个可疑产品的图形数据库中。

    The most labor-intensive part , according to Mr. Lin , was researching the products linked to Ting Hsin and photographing them to assemble a graphical database of items that should be flagged .

  8. 上世纪80年代,魏的家族企业之一顶新国际集团(tinghsininternationalgroup)将“康师傅”品牌引入中国大陆,现在,该品牌已是这里的市场领导者。

    Tinghsin International Group , one of his family businesses , introduced the brand to the Chinese in the late 1980s . Now it is the market leader .

  9. 台湾顶新国际集团(TingHsinInternationalGroup)旗下的快餐连锁店德克士(Dicos)也在其官方微博上称,公司已停止贩售含有上海福喜生产的火腿片的早餐火腿三明治。

    Fast food chain Dicos , owned by Taiwanese company Ting Hsin International , said on its official microblog that the China-based company has stopped selling breakfast sandwiches that used ham from the meat supplier .

  10. 魏应充所在家族拥有顶新国际集团,在饮食行业涉猎广泛,尤其是在中国大陆,集团出品的康师傅方便面随处可见。

    Mr. Wei 's family owns the Ting Hsin International Group , which has broad interests in the food industry , particularly in China , where its Kang Shi Fu instant noodles are ubiquitous .

  11. 台湾人要求他们购买的东西,尤其是食物,必须是真的,就好像在顶新国际集团旗下生产的食用油的疑似污染、贴错标签的一系列丑闻发生时,台湾人对此表现出了愤怒。

    They 're demanding the stuff they buy , particularly food , be authentic , as shown by the outrage toward a series of scandals involving the suspected tainting or mislabeling of cooking oil under the flag of Ting Hsin International Group .