- 名apical dominance

Effect of Exogenous GA_3 on Inter Grain Apical Dominance and Endogenous IAA in Grain Filling Stage of Hybrid Rice
TB1 controls the apical dominance in maize and is involved in the maize tiller development .
Discussion of apical dominance in the control aspect of distributional system
New Theory of Apical Dominance and water to Rise in plants
Application of apical dominance phenomenon on tissue-culture derived banana plants
Promoting the apical dominance of plant is the main physiology function of gibberellins .
This work will provide important clues and basis for further studying plant apical dominance .
Apical-grain Superiority in Hybrid Rice
Molecular Analysis of Activation Tagging Library and Characterization of a Mutant Lacking the Apical Dominance in Arabidopsis Thaliana
Here , we show that the concept of apical dominance can be applied to tiller bud outgrowth of rice .
As competition for light increases , there should generally be an increasing premium on vertical growth through stronger apical dominance to minimize shading by neighbours .
Under submerged condition , their stems were also elongated , which are mainly caused by the elongation of internodes that is relevant to the stem age .
Plant hormone cytokinin participates in regulation of diverse plant growth and development processes including cell division , flowering , leaf senescence and maintenance of apical dominance .
The fork arm is gradually formed by the fierce rivalry and apical dominance of lateral branches after the main gib is damaged to wither or break .
Apical dominance is a well-known control mechanism in the development of branching patterns , but little is known regarding its role in monocots such as rice .
Conversely , as competition for light decreases , there should be an increasing premium on branching that is achieved through weaker apical dominance to maximize light capture .
The apical dominance of plant is modeling on computers based on its mechanism , virtual organ based plant growth models , and the division of tertiary structure of plant growth .
On a whole-plant level , auxin plays an essential role in processes such as apical dominance ; lateral / adventitious root formation , tropisms , fruit set and development , vascular differentiation and embryogenesis .
Experimental result show that tree model rendered by the improved algorithm can reflect tree 's space combination , and reflect the characteristic of phototaxis , geotropism and FCFP . The algorithm improves the realistic of trees .
Recently , the isolation and characterization of genes and mutants with altered shoot branching patterns has been used to study this phenomenon , through the molecular and genetic analysis has been given invaluable information of defective in the branching pattern .
Cytokinins are a class of plant hormones that regulate many aspects of growth and development , including cell division , apical dominance , chloroplast biosynthesis , root and leaf differentiation , leaf senescence , nutrient signaling and shoot differentiation et al .
By path analysis of relation between cloning ′ every character and growth increment , such result was obtained : the absolute value size of factor directly affecting tree height and normal diameter was : bark > lateral branch > apical dominance > tree crown > branch angle ;
Previous studies in other highly polarized cell types has strongly suggested that reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) generation at the hyphal tips plays a key role in enforcing apical dominance and the spatial regulation of polar growth .