
dǐnɡ duān yōu shì
  • apical dominance
  1. GA3对杂交稻粒间顶端优势及灌浆期间籽粒内源IAA的影响

    Effect of Exogenous GA_3 on Inter Grain Apical Dominance and Endogenous IAA in Grain Filling Stage of Hybrid Rice

  2. 玉米的TB1基因有维持玉米顶端优势的作用,与分蘖的发生密切相关;

    TB1 controls the apical dominance in maize and is involved in the maize tiller development .

  3. 顶端优势在分布式系统中控制方面的探讨

    Discussion of apical dominance in the control aspect of distributional system

  4. 植物的顶端优势和水分上升机理新说

    New Theory of Apical Dominance and water to Rise in plants

  5. 顶端优势现象在香蕉组培苗中的应用研究

    Application of apical dominance phenomenon on tissue-culture derived banana plants

  6. 促进植物的顶端优势是赤霉素最主要的生理功能。

    Promoting the apical dominance of plant is the main physiology function of gibberellins .

  7. 本论文为进一步分析植物顶端优势的分子机理提供了重要线索和依据。

    This work will provide important clues and basis for further studying plant apical dominance .

  8. 初论杂交稻粒间顶端优势

    Apical-grain Superiority in Hybrid Rice

  9. 拟南芥激活突变体库及顶端优势缺失突变体的分子分析

    Molecular Analysis of Activation Tagging Library and Characterization of a Mutant Lacking the Apical Dominance in Arabidopsis Thaliana

  10. 本文研究表明顶端优势的概念可以应用于水稻分蘖芽的向外生长。

    Here , we show that the concept of apical dominance can be applied to tiller bud outgrowth of rice .

  11. 当对光的竞争增强时,反枝苋通常具有较强的顶端优势,增加直立生长的能力,以减小邻体的遮挡。

    As competition for light increases , there should generally be an increasing premium on vertical growth through stronger apical dominance to minimize shading by neighbours .

  12. 水淹条件下,秋华柳茎进行伸长生长,其伸长生长主要是由于节间的伸长生长,其节间的伸长大小与茎的老幼程度有关;水淹下秋华柳茎的顶端优势减弱,侧枝生长增强。

    Under submerged condition , their stems were also elongated , which are mainly caused by the elongation of internodes that is relevant to the stem age .

  13. 细胞分裂素调节植物生长和发育的许多过程,如促进细胞分裂、影响开花时间、延缓叶的衰老以及控制顶端优势等。

    Plant hormone cytokinin participates in regulation of diverse plant growth and development processes including cell division , flowering , leaf senescence and maintenance of apical dominance .

  14. 红松杈干是主梢受害枯死或断折后,经侧枝的激烈竞争和顶端优势的驱使下逐渐形成的。

    The fork arm is gradually formed by the fierce rivalry and apical dominance of lateral branches after the main gib is damaged to wither or break .

  15. 顶端优势控制分枝发育的机制已为人熟知,但在单子叶植物像水稻中则知之甚少。

    Apical dominance is a well-known control mechanism in the development of branching patterns , but little is known regarding its role in monocots such as rice .

  16. 相反地,当光竞争减弱时,植物的顶端优势较弱,加强分枝结构以增大对光的截获。

    Conversely , as competition for light decreases , there should be an increasing premium on branching that is achieved through weaker apical dominance to maximize light capture .

  17. 根据植物生长的顶端优势作用机理,基于虚拟器官的建模技术和植物轴的三级划分的方法,模拟植物生长的顶端优势。

    The apical dominance of plant is modeling on computers based on its mechanism , virtual organ based plant growth models , and the division of tertiary structure of plant growth .

  18. 在个体水平上,生长素在植物的顶端优势、侧根/不定根的形成、植物的向性反应、果实的座果和发育、维管组织的分化和胚的形成等方面是都是必需的。

    On a whole-plant level , auxin plays an essential role in processes such as apical dominance ; lateral / adventitious root formation , tropisms , fruit set and development , vascular differentiation and embryogenesis .

  19. 实验结果表明,采用以上改进算法建立的树木模型,能较好地反映树木的空间特性,并且可以体现出树木的趋光性、屈地性及顶端优势等特征,具有较高的真实感。

    Experimental result show that tree model rendered by the improved algorithm can reflect tree 's space combination , and reflect the characteristic of phototaxis , geotropism and FCFP . The algorithm improves the realistic of trees .

  20. 近年来,分离及研究可以改变侧枝生长模式的基因及突变体,经常用来研究这种生命现象,这对于解释顶端优势现象是必不可少的。

    Recently , the isolation and characterization of genes and mutants with altered shoot branching patterns has been used to study this phenomenon , through the molecular and genetic analysis has been given invaluable information of defective in the branching pattern .

  21. 细胞分裂素是一种常见的激素,调节植物各种生长和发育过程,如细胞分裂、顶端优势、叶绿体生物合成、根和叶的分化、叶片衰老、养分信号以及芽的形成。

    Cytokinins are a class of plant hormones that regulate many aspects of growth and development , including cell division , apical dominance , chloroplast biosynthesis , root and leaf differentiation , leaf senescence , nutrient signaling and shoot differentiation et al .

  22. 经无性系各性状与生长量通径分析得出,直接影响树高和胸径生长量的因子以绝对值大小排列顺序为树皮>侧枝>顶端优势>树冠>枝角;

    By path analysis of relation between cloning ′ every character and growth increment , such result was obtained : the absolute value size of factor directly affecting tree height and normal diameter was : bark > lateral branch > apical dominance > tree crown > branch angle ;

  23. 有研究表明,在高度极性化生长的细胞中,ROS积累于菌丝顶端,对促进顶端优势和空间调节极性生长起重要作用。

    Previous studies in other highly polarized cell types has strongly suggested that reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) generation at the hyphal tips plays a key role in enforcing apical dominance and the spatial regulation of polar growth .