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  1. 介绍建造长1724m、顶宽20m的斜坡式引堤的施工组织、施工程序和方法,简述从引堤不同部位引伸出顺岸和突堤式沉箱结构码头的衔接施工经验。

    The organization , procedure and method of construction of sloped approach embankment of 1724m long and 20m wide are introduced . The construction experience for linking-up construction of marginal and piered caisson-structured wharves are also briefly introduced .

  2. 萨拉戴了顶宽帽缘的草帽。

    Sarah wore a straw hat with a wide brim .

  3. 那个男人戴着一顶宽檐帽,用手帕蒙住口鼻,看上去就像是得了流感一样。

    The man was wearing a peaked cap and had a handkerchief over his nose and mouth as if he had flu .

  4. 间隔绕组和不等齿顶宽结构可使定子齿磁链和绕组因数最大化,从而有效地提高了电机的转矩密度。

    The alternate winding and unequal teeth tips width structure optimize the stator teeth flux linkage and winding coefficient , as a result , the torque density is increased .

  5. 该经验公式适用于沟深和半沟顶宽分别小于0.3倍砂层厚度的常见沟型(这类沟型通常已能满足排水减压工程的要求)。

    The empirical formula is applicable if the depth and half top breadth of ditches are smaller than 0.3 of the sand layer thickness respectively ( usually , the ditches of this type meet the requirements of drainage ) .

  6. 我已经选好了一顶帽檐宽而松软的草帽,所以我已经准备好去旅行了。

    I already picked out a straw hat with a wide , floppy brim , so I 'm all set for the trip .

  7. 顶推施工的宽箱梁预应力体系设计

    Wide Box Beam Prestress System Design of Incremental Launching Construction

  8. 有一匹马上骑着一个农家孩子。他把所有的衣服都脱掉了,只戴了那顶又大又宽的黑帽子。

    A peasant boy rode on one , and he had taken off all his clothes except his large broad black hat .