
  1. 关于中国的历史朝代,大致有这几个时期。

    Chinese historical periods can be divided into four major ones .

  2. 中华文明史源远流长,朝代更迭,下面就向大家介绍中国历史上的朝代。

    The history of Chinese civilization has a long history , the changing of dynasties , the following brief you on the history of China 's dynasties .

  3. 移民和人口迁移问题,在中国历史上各个朝代普遍存在,移民问题影响广大,历来受到各朝代统治阶级的关注。

    Immigration and migration events in China has always been concerned by the dynasties ruling class , because it has existed in long historical time and strongly influenced on Chinese history .

  4. 他主张通过建立政道以解决王船山所说的中国历史上的朝代更替、皇位继承和宰相难处的历史症结。

    He advocated through establish system to solve the crux of the history which Wang Chuanshan said Chinese political dynasty turnover , succession to the throne , the relationship between the emperor and his prime minister .

  5. 中国传统和谐思想蕴含着丰富的和谐资源与和谐智慧,这不仅是中国历史上各个朝代发展的内在思想动力,更是我们今天构建社会主义和谐社会、和谐世界的宝贵文化资源。

    Traditional Chinese concept of harmony contains a wealth of harmonious resource and wisdom and it is not only the internal ideological motivation for the development of various dynasties in Chinese history , but also the valuable cultural resources for us to build a socialist harmonious society and harmonious world .

  6. 文章从历史角度对十世纪前后中国社会和中国武术的发展进行了分析,研究结果认为:十世纪作为中国历史上一个朝代更迭的时期,对武术的发展造成了很大影响。

    The paper analyzes the society and the development of Wushu in the period of tenth century , and finds that , as a period of upheaval in the history of China , the tenth century had great influence on the development of Wushu .