
  1. 同时为进一步将GridServices技术应用于水利系统,增强各个水利部门之间异构系统的集成,并实现具有柔性扩展的水利数据应用服务平台做了必要的技术准备。

    Moreover , this paper does necessary technology preparation for applying Grid Services technology to water conservancy system , enhancing integration of heterogeneous system among water conservancy departments and implementing extensible Water Conservancy Data Application Service Platform .

  2. 它特别适合于中距离(100M~2000M)分散检测集中数据采集处理的场合,如水利系统中室内模型试验和原型大坝观测的数据通讯。

    It is suited to medium distance ( about loom-2000m ) communication in the distributing measurement system .

  3. 同时将喷嘴作为PDC钻头水利系统的重要组成部分,深入地讨论了喷嘴的水力参数和位置参数对PDC钻头水力性能的影响,进行了喷嘴的水力参数设计。

    Moreover , looking the nozzle as the important part of the PDC Bit , we deeply discuss the influence of the waterpower parameter and the location parameter influence the PDC Bit , we design the nozzle 's waterpower parameter .

  4. 关键是,我们的水利系统破旧不堪。

    The point is that our water system is in such disrepair .

  5. 水利系统科学初探

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Science of Water-conservancy System

  6. 水利系统异构数据动态集成的设计和实现

    Design and Application of the Heterogeneous Data Integration Based on Water Conservancy System

  7. 加利福尼亚州的水利系统自然概况

    California 's water system : the physical story

  8. 本文介绍了通信技术在水利系统的发展历史。

    This thesis introduces the development history of communication technology in water conservancy systems .

  9. 水利系统中虚拟现实技术的发展

    Development of virtual reality technology in hydraulic system

  10. 水利系统人才资源管理与开发现状及对策研究

    Study on Status and Measures of Human Resources Management and Development within Water Sector

  11. 都江堰水利系统的地球科学思想

    Geoscientific thinking of Dujiangyan water conservancy system

  12. 在这种情况下,严重的干旱让脆弱的水利系统完全无所作为。

    Under such circumstances , the severe drought has overwhelmed the country 's fragile water system .

  13. 基于消息中间件的水利系统电子数据交换平台设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Data Exchange Platform Base on Message Middleware in the Water Resources System

  14. 综合电子报表服务程序的研发及其在水利系统的应用

    Study and development of service program of integrated electronic report system and its application in hydraulics system

  15. 对水情遥测系统中使用的通信方式进行研究,对于保障水利系统的正常运行,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important that research on the communication method can ensure Water Conservancy System work normal .

  16. 在水利系统中,也有一些专家学者开始了可视化仿真系统应用的研究。

    Some experts and scholars started to research the application of visualization simulation system in the water resources field .

  17. 保护自然资源:对森林、土壤及水利系统等自然资源的有节制的使用及系统的保护。

    Conservation n.The controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources , such as forests , soil , and water systems .

  18. 事实上,电力和水利系统的私有化,完全没有培养出具有世界影响的创新性英国企业。

    Indeed electricity and water privatisation could not have failed more absolutely to foster the emergence of world-beating , innovative British companies .

  19. 因此如何对这些水库系统进行统一的管理以及各系统之间的交互已成为水利系统管理人员和运行人员极为关心的问题。

    So how to manage these system uniformly and share the public data becomes the pivotal problem of the managers and Workers .

  20. 但是尽管大规模的水电站具有影响,小型水利系统不需要大坝、道路和其他大型基础设施。

    But although large-scale plants have impacts , small hydro systems have no need for large dams , roads and other major infrastructure .

  21. 本文在回顾我省水利系统水环境监测事业发展的基础上,基于水环境承载能力要求,提出了我省水利系统水环境监测能力建设的意见。

    Some proposals have been put forward in this paper on improving the monitoring capacity for water environment of hydraulic engineering system in Shanxi .

  22. 坎儿井是其中最具有代表性的沙漠地区利用地下水进行灌溉耕种的水利系统。

    Among them , the Karez is the most representative water conservancy system which use of groundwater for irrigation and farming in the desert area .

  23. 闸门作为水利系统的核心机构,实现数字化、智能化、自动化已经变得十分迫切。

    As the core part of water conservancy system , it becomes much important to achieve the digital , intelligence and automation of the gate .

  24. 目前系统已经基本调试完成,在实验室中进行的实验可以达到水利系统国家标准要求的精度,即将拿到现场做进一步的测试。

    It can reach the national standard of water system requirements of precision in the laboratory experiments . It is about to being tested in the locale .

  25. 依然是在中国,有关方面正在拟定计划,建设有优良公路、铁路、学校和水利系统的新型中小城镇。

    Again in China , plans are developing to build a new network of smaller cities and towns , served by improved roads , railways , schools and irrigation .

  26. 本文首先分析了多源数据的特点和其在水利系统中的应用问题,在此基础上对多源数据的存储管理方法进行全面论述,确定以数据库系统和文件系统相结合的存储方式作为此次研究的基础。

    First , the paper introduces the characteristic of Multi-Source data and application , analysis the different storage method of the Multi-Source data , use separating storage method for unstructured data .

  27. 不锈钢机器能够在不到3小时内把尸体溶解成棕褐色的液体,随后立即被抽入城市的水利系统。

    The stainless steel machine can dissolve a corpse in just under three hours , and the ' brownish , syrupy ' liquid is then pumped into the municipal water system .

  28. 作为水利系统,喀斯特库区管理权属复杂,旅游开发明显受环境与功能的限制,库区景观具有多样性与雷同性、水利工程构景的科学性与美学观赏的独特性等。

    As a water conservancy system , the ownership of the reservoir areas is just intricate , and hence the tourism exploitation will be obviously limited because of environment and function .

  29. 介绍了水利系统的创新成果&钢丝绳自动清洗机的原理、结构和性能;对研制钢丝绳自动清洗机的关键技术进行了重点说明;

    This paper introduces a new machine of automatic clean machine for wire cable , including its work principle , structure and performance , especially on the key technology used in the course of study .

  30. 将移动技术运用于水利系统,可以满足水利工作人员的信息需求,实现在移动情况下采集信息,实时掌握各类水利信息,为处理相关事务提供决策依据。

    If mobile technology is applied to water conservancy system , it can satisfy the irrigation workers of information acquiring , master all kinds of water conservancy information in current time and support basis of decision-making of key affairs .