
  • 网络Water network area;dense waterway net region
  1. 目的了解水网地区日本血吸虫病流行程度及流行特征。NET对数据进行操作的能力。

    Objective To study epidemiologic features and degree of endemicity of Schistosomiasis Japonica in water net region .

  2. 根据油田地处水网地区和拥有丰富CO2的资源的特点,研制出撬装式CO2压注站。

    Based on the field 's characteristics that it is located in water region and rich in CO_2 , the skid CO_2 pressurized injection plant is developed .

  3. 本文开展了平原水网地区航道网规划方法的研究,提出了采用固定资产投资完成额与货运量回归预测模型;平均信息量用户最优分布模型预测货物O-D的分布;

    It is proposed that the fixed capacity investment and cargo discharge regression forecasting model and the optimal average information customer distribution model can be used to predict the cargo O-D distribution .

  4. 江南水网地区软土环境长输管道风险评价

    Pipeline Risk Assessment in Jiangnan River Network Region with Soft Clay

  5. 平原水网地区区域供水计量技术研究

    Research on Regional Water Supply Measure Technology in Plain River Network

  6. 太湖水网地区河网调蓄能力分析

    Analysis of the storage capacity of river network in Taihu Watershed

  7. 水网地区航道网技术评价指标与方法研究

    Technical Evaluation Index and Method for Waterway Network in Water Network Region

  8. 西气东输管道江南水网地区的施工方法

    Construction Technique of West-to-East Gas Transmission Pipeline in Waters Area

  9. 水网地区日本血吸虫感染及肝脾超声检查

    Schistosoma Japonicum Infections and Ultrasonographic Examinations of Inhabitants in Water Net Region

  10. 试论水网地区水环境保护策略

    On Strategies of water environmental protection in drainage network areas of China

  11. 江苏复杂水网地区地震采集方法

    Seismic data acquisition in areas of complex dense waterway net in Jiangsu oilfield

  12. 注水井活动洗井技术在水网地区的研究与应用

    Study and Application of the Moving Water Injector Well-Flushing Technique in Water Area

  13. 杭嘉湖平原水网地区低扬程泵站节能技术研究

    Study on Saving-energy Measures of Pump In Hang-Jia-Hu Plain

  14. 模拟降雨研究水网地区农田氮磷的流失

    Study on Nitrogen and Phosphor Losses in Riverine Plain Area by Simulated Rainfall Method

  15. 适宜于河沟及水网地区作业。

    The utility model is suitable for work in runways and water network areas .

  16. 探讨了当前平原水网地区城市排水(雨水)规划存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的建议。

    This paper discusses the problems in planning and provides with the solution ideas .

  17. 太湖水网地区不同种植类型农田氮素渗漏流失研究

    Study on nitrogen leaching in farmlands with different crops in riverine plain area of Taihu Lake

  18. 低扬程水泵选型新方法杭嘉湖平原水网地区低扬程泵站节能技术研究

    A New Method for Low-Lift Water Pump Selection Study on Saving-energy Measures of Pump In Hang-Jia-Hu Plain

  19. 50年来太湖水网地区城市化空间过程的监测与模拟Ⅱ.基于栅格单元扩展优先度的城市扩展模拟

    Monitoring and modeling of urban spatial expansion in Taihu Lake area , china in the last 50 years

  20. 平原水网地区湖泊的水环境容量及允许负荷量

    Water environmental capacity and allowable water load capacity of the lake in the region of plain water network

  21. 混合模型在滨海水网地区水资源系统优化调度中的应用

    The application of mixed model in the optima operation of water resources in the coastal river network area

  22. 江南水网地区村镇生态环境极为优越,水网密布,生物多样性丰富。

    Jiangnan river-net areas have the most favorable ecological environment , water network clouds and rich in biodiversity .

  23. 平原水网地区城市排水规划问题研究

    The study of the planning for the urban water discharge in the plain areas of rivers and lakes

  24. 江南水网地区水质预测数学模型及计算机模拟初探

    A Preliminary Study on Mathematical Models and Computer Simulation for Water Quality Prediction Southern Yangtze River Water Net Area

  25. 特别是对在江南水网地区进行大管径长输管道建设提出了一些新的建议和思考。

    Some suggestions and considerations are put forward for construction of long-distance and large-diameter gas pipeline in water net areas .

  26. 水网地区高速公路测设及施工中应注意的问题

    On the problems for Attention in the Survey and Design and Construction of Expressway in the Area Crisscrossed with Rivers

  27. 江苏油田地处水网地区,确定水平井地面井口位置难度较大。

    Jiangsu oilfield is located in drainage network area , the determination of surface wellhead position of horizontal well is very difficult .

  28. 太湖流域是典型的平原水网地区,区域内河道纵横交错,湖泊星罗棋布。

    Taihu Lake Basin is a typical place of plain water system areas , rivers crisscrossing the region , scattered with lakes .

  29. 本文以湖北汉川洪西垸径流试验区为对象,探讨了水网地区水量转化的系统模拟问题。

    A hydrological system model applied to water transformation and water resource assessment for drainage experiment catchment in plain area in HUBEI province ;

  30. 水网地区水稻土的含硒量及根外施硒对糙米硒含量的影响

    Se content of paddy soil in plain region of a network of rivers and effect of foliage spray of Se-COMPOUND on Se content of rice