
  • 网络Hydrophasianus chirurgus;Pheasant-tailed Jacana;Jacana;jacanas
  1. 横断面厚度由高到低依次为白鹇、鹌鹑、水雉、灰卷尾。

    The arrangement of the thickness of radial sections was Silver Pheasant , Common Quail , Pheasant-tailed Jacana and Ashy Drongo .

  2. 湿地是大量鸟类的家园,我们发现了白鹭、苍鹭、水雉和蓝鸟。

    The wetland is home to an abundance of birdlife , andwe spotted egrets , herons , jacanas and blue jays .

  3. 海绵层小孔直径由高到低依次为水雉、灰卷尾、鹌鹑、白鹇;

    The arrangement of the diameters of vesicular holes in spongy layer was Silver Pheasant , Ashy Drongo Common Quail and Pheasant-tailed Jacana ;