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  • lotus leaf
  1. 侧头一望,说来也巧,净土里有只蜘蛛,正在翠绿的莲叶上,攀牵美丽的银丝。

    Looking aside , there on a jade-colored lotus leaf he saw a single spider , spinning out a web of silver thread .

  2. 考古学者曾在黑龙江省依兰县第三纪的地层中发现莲叶化石。

    The archaeological scholar once had found the lotus leaf fossils in tertiary period stratum in Yilan County of Heilongjiang Province ( middle reach of Songhua River ) .

  3. 为了防止莲叶被鱼啃食造成破坏。

    To prevent these leaves being destroyed by being eaten by fish .

  4. 另外一位的推车里则摆着香糯的米饭和包在莲叶中的鸡肉。

    Another has sticky rice and chicken wrapped in fragrant lotus leaves .

  5. 凤眼莲叶叶绿素的提取及其性质的稳定性

    Water Hyacinth Leaf Chlorophyll Extraction and Nature Stability

  6. 1,莲胚芽不仅含有叶绿素和光合系统,而且其色素和光合系统组成均与莲叶以及其它被子植物的叶组织不同。

    The chlorophyll and photosystem compositions in lotus embryo were different from those of other angiosperms .

  7. 莲叶的阴凉遮蔽他、溪旁的柳树环绕他。

    He lieth under the shady trees , in the covert of the reed , and fens .

  8. 伏在莲叶之下,卧在芦苇隐密处和沼泽里。

    Under the lotus plants he lies down , in the covert of the reed and the marsh .

  9. 22莲叶的阴凉遮蔽它。溪旁的柳树环绕它。

    The shady trees cover him with their shadow ; the willows of the brook compass him about .

  10. 结果表明,莲叶和菰叶分解最快,其干重损失率分别为96.5%和96.6%;

    Nucifera and Z. latifolia decomposed most quickly with dry weight loses of 96.5 % and 96.6 % respectively ;

  11. 对莲胚芽、暗萌发莲苗以及莲叶的叶绿体吸收光谱进行比较,结果显示暗萌发莲苗的叶绿体发育阶段介于莲胚芽和莲叶之间;

    The absorption spectrum indicated that the chloroplast in dark-grown lotus seedling is undeveloped compared to that of lotus leaf .

  12. 不同生长期独角莲叶中氨基酸含量分别为11.098%(8月10日)、12.665%(9月10日)、14.506%(10月12日)。

    The total amount of amino acids were 11.098 % ( August 10 ), 12.665 % ( September 10 ), 14.506 % ( October 12 ) respectively .

  13. 露水对湖水说,你是莲叶下的一大滴露水,我是它上面较小的那滴。

    You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf , I am the smaller one on its upper side , said the dewdrop to the lake .

  14. 俄顷,世尊伫立池畔,从覆盖水面的莲叶间,偶见池下的情景。

    After a time , the Buddha paused at the edge of the pond and from between the lotus leaves that covered it saw a glimpse of the state of things below .