
sān mèi
  • samadhi;secret;knack;(Budd.) purity and calm arising from correct realization
三昧 [sān mèi]
  • [(Budd.) purity and calm arising from correct relization;knack;secret] 佛教用语,梵文 Samādhi 的音律,意思是止息杂念,使心神平静,是佛教的重要修行方法。借指事物的要领,真谛

  • 正令笔扛鼎,亦未造三昧。--陆游《示子过》

  • 深得其中三昧

三昧[sān mèi]
  1. 但即使是着三支对无种三昧也没有直接帮助。

    But even these are not direct aids to the seedless Samadhi .

  2. 在无伺三昧中,心会变得纯粹。

    In reaching nirvichara Samadhi the mind becomes pure .

  3. 对守护一切密乘三昧耶来说已经足够。

    Will suffice for keeping all the samayas of Secret Mantra .

  4. 看来我不用三昧白骨火你是不会承认的!

    I have to use Skeleton Fire on you .

  5. 你若未破三昧耶,你终将成佛。

    If you have not broken samaya , you will become Buddha eventually .

  6. 虔敬是三昧耶的根本。

    The root of samaya comes from devotion .

  7. 在这种三昧中,只是可以说是“充满真理”。

    In that Samadhi , knowledge is said to be " filled with truth " .

  8. 在世俗状态下他们是力量,但对于三昧它们是障碍。

    They are powers in the worldly state , but they are obstacles to Samadhi .

  9. 《戏作三昧》与《地狱变》是阐述芥川龙之介的艺术至上主义思想的重要作品。

    Gesakuzanmai and Zigokuhen are important work expounding Art for art 's sake of Ryucnosuke Akutagawa .

  10. 最终,这会导向一种三昧的状态或者说与神合一。

    Ultimately , this may result in the state of Samadhi or oneness with the Divine Self .

  11. 由三昧加于人心的印迹将抹去过去所有其他印迹。

    The impression which is made upon the mind by that Samadhi wipes out all other past impression .

  12. 当所有精神涣散得以消除并且心住一处时,便进入三昧状态。

    When all mental distractions disappear and the mind becomes one-pointed , it enters the state called Samadhi .

  13. 专注、冥想和三昧这三支合在一起就是专念(总制)。

    When these three-concentration , meditation and absorption-are brought to bear upon one subject , they are called samyama .

  14. 就这样又过了好长一段时间,子綦才慢慢地由三昧中苏醒过来。

    Keeping this statue for quite a long time , then , Ziqi began to recover from Samadhis gradually .

  15. 在修炼无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。

    After practicing Kubdalini yoga , the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters Samadhi .

  16. 那么这种的力量,是要你专心去诵念才得到这种的三昧。

    It is necessary that you turn your mind to one when reciting this mantra to obtain this type of samadhi .

  17. 因此,上人并不完全从内心修定做为人唯一达到内心禅寂、常在三昧的唯一途径,环境的改造及作用仍是必要关键。

    Therefore the Master does not see the cultivation of the inner mind as the only path to reaching inner peace and constant meditation .

  18. 你若能学愚痴到这个样子,无论你修那个法门,都能得到三昧,都会有所成就的。

    If you can learn to be as if stupid , then no matter what Dharma door you cultivate you will attain samadhi and gain some realization .

  19. 以诗艺论,任兄雅好凝炼,不拘字义文法之桎梏,不落赘词冗句之窠臼,真知诗之三昧者。

    Technically , Ren 's preference to condensed , succinct phrasal utterances instead of to drawn-out , grammatically viable sentences shows how well he grasps the quintessence of poetry .

  20. 三昧耶戒是密法修行者根本戒律,违反此戒律所修犹如沙中起塔,石山播种,终不能有成。

    Samaya is the root precept for an Esoteric Buddhist ; breaching samaya is like building stupa on sands and seeding on a tor , one will toil in vain .

  21. 在冥想中,对象的真实本性放出光芒,不再受感知者的新的扭曲,这就是三昧。

    When , in meditation , the true nature of the object shines forth , not distorted by the mind of the perceiver , that is absorption ( Samadhi ) .

  22. 所以在《大藏经》密教部经典前总书有未经上师许可欲读密典须诵大轮金刚陀罗尼二十一遍,旨在提醒佛子慎莫越三昧耶!

    Therefore on the preface of all esoteric sutras in Tripitaka , there is always a warning : one must recite the Great Wheel Vajra Dharani twenty-one times , thus alerts Buddhists not to breach samaya .

  23. 若借佛语,可称之为“妙胜义”、“三昧”、“究竟”、“无上上等慧”,是天人合一的一种高级精神境界。

    In Buddha 's terms , it implies " subtlety superior to definition "," knack "," outcome " and " supreme wisdom ", and it is the highest spiritual realm of the harmony between nature and man .