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  • 网络Self-enlightenment
  1. 其功能主要为自悟悟人与自娱娱人。

    The functions mainly are " self-understanding and others understood " and " self-entertainment and others entertained " .

  2. 导学&自悟新课程英语课堂教学模式将国家课程标准从理论层面变成课堂教学的具体操作,体现了自主性、合作性、探究性的基本特征。

    " Learning-guiding & Self-realizing " Teaching Model of Junior English meets the new curriculum of essential features independence , cooperation and exploration .

  3. 在语文教学中指导学生自学自悟、提出问题、积累知识、丰富想象,积极进行语文实践活动,特别有利于学生创新能力的培养。

    Student was directed to self-study and put forward question which could be helpful to accumulate knowledge and enrich imagination , especially in innovation .

  4. 苏曼殊诗画带有明显的禅佛色彩,如其诗画里大量出现的禅佛名相以及带有依我自悟表征的我的形象第一人称代词,进一步强化了其现代禅僧的身份特征。

    For example , the Zen - Buddhist touch in his use of nouns together with the first - person pronouns indicating his own image and manifesting his " self - awareness by myself " further highlighted his identity as a modern Zen - Buddhist monk .

  5. 受佛教影响较大并带有浓厚宗教色彩的有三种:自悼,包括悟前生类故事、反阳类故事、超度类故事;

    There are three kinds text influenced by Buddhism greatly and with strong religious style : Mourn by oneself , including realize the preexistence story , return living world , relive souls from the hell ;