
  • 网络Spodoptera litura;Prodenia litura;Cotton Leafworm
  1. 7种提取物中,以种子乙醇提取物(ESPH)对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫的非选择性拒食活性最高,24h拒食率为70.15%。

    The antifeedant rate of ethanol extract of the seed of P.harmala ( ESPH ) against 3rd-instar larvae of Spodoptera litura F. was 70.15 % after 24h in no-choice test , and ranked the highest among the extracts .

  2. 转Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab基因双价棉对甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾也具有抗性,弥补了转Cry1Ac基因棉花只对棉铃虫、棉红铃虫有抗性的局限性。

    Transgenic Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab cotton targets beet armyworm and Spodoptera litura , which makes up for the limitation that transgenic Bt targeting only cotton bollworm and pink bollworm .

  3. 细胞色素C在无细胞体系中对斜纹夜蛾细胞凋亡的影响

    Influence of Cytochrome C on Apoptosis of Spodoptera Litura Cells in Cell-free System

  4. 斜纹夜蛾普通气味结合蛋白ⅠcDNA的克隆及在原核细胞中的表达

    Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of cDNA Encoding General Odorant Binding Protein ⅰ from Spodoptera litura

  5. 杀虫剂对斜纹夜蛾和家蚕的毒力选择性研究斜拉索PE施工性能分析与安装参数选择

    Selective Toxicity of Insecticides between Spodoptera litura and Bombyx mori Workability Analysis and Setting Preferences of the PE of Stay-cable

  6. 转Bt基因抗虫棉田斜纹夜蛾的发生特点

    Preliminary Research on the Incidence Characteristics of Prodenia litura ( Fabricius ) in Bt Transgenic Cotton Field

  7. 斜纹夜蛾NPV多角体基因的克隆和部分测序

    Clone and Partial Nucleotide Sequence of the Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Polyhedrin Gene

  8. 斜纹夜蛾NPV对取食不同蔬菜的斜纹夜蛾幼虫的毒力差异

    Toxicity difference of NPV to larvae of Prodenia litura Fabricius feeding on different vegetables

  9. 光照强度对斜纹夜蛾幼虫各体色指标都有影响显著(p0.01)。

    The impacts of light intensity to all color parameter of body color on Prodenia litura ( Fabricius ) larvae were significant ( p0.01 ) .

  10. 大豆对斜纹夜蛾抗性的遗传分析、抗性QTL的定位及抗虫基因的克隆

    Inheritance Analysis of Resistance to Cotton Worm ( Prodenia Litura , Fabricius ), QTL Mapping and Cloning of Related Genes in Soybean

  11. 采用生物测定法,比较了斜纹夜蛾NPV对取食芋叶等7科8种蔬菜的斜纹夜蛾幼虫的毒力反应差异性。

    Toxicity difference of cotton leafworm NPV to larvae of cotton leaf worm feeding on & vegetables of 7 families has been studied through bioassay .

  12. 紫外线诱导斜纹夜蛾细胞SL-1凋亡的研究

    Study of Spodoptera Litura Cells Apoptosis Induced by Ultraviolet Radiation

  13. 田间防治试验表明,印楝素乳油对斜纹夜蛾种群有良好的控制作用,施药7d后其防治效果要优于化学农药10%除尽悬浮剂。

    Field experiments confirmed that after 7 days application , azadirachtin could effectively control Spodoptera litura , being more efficient than the chemistry pesticide , 10 % Chu-Jin SC.

  14. 在蔬菜生产中,由于受斜纹夜蛾SpodopteralituraFabricius、甜菜夜蛾Spodopteraexigua(Hübner)、小菜蛾PlutellaxylostellaLinnaeus等主要害虫的危害,蔬菜产量和品质都受不同程度的影响。

    The productivity and quality of vegetables were affected by the serious damage of many insect pests including Spodoptera litura Fabricius , Spodoptera exigua ( Hubner ) and Plutella xylostella Linnaeus .

  15. 试验结果表明,从诱杀斜纹夜蛾效果来看,以放置宁波斜纹夜蛾性诱剂和UMT-B诱捕器诱蛾效果最好;

    The results showed that the Ningbo Prodenia litura pheromone and UMT-B trap worked best based on the trapping effect .

  16. 其宿主斜纹夜蛾(Spodopteralitura,Spli)是鳞翅目夜蛾科的杂食性害虫,分布范围广,是我国粮棉、油等经济作物和蔬菜的重要害虫之一。

    Spodoptera litura , the host of the virus is a kind of polyphagous insect which is harmful to economic crop and vegetables such as alimentary crop , cotton , oil plants and so on .

  17. 以卫矛尺蠖和斜纹夜蛾为试虫,以取食量及虫体增重为指标,用选择性和非选择性取食法测定乙醚等7种溶剂浸提芫花茎皮粉5d后的浸提液。

    By using Abraxas miranda as the subjects and the feeding capacity and weight growth as the indexes , thd activities of different solvent extraction of Daphne genkwa ( DG ) were tested with the method of choice and no choice feeding .

  18. 四种植物提取物对斜纹夜蛾卵的毒杀效果

    Ovicidal Effect of the Extracts from Four Plants on Spodoptera litura

  19. 斜纹夜蛾对阿维菌素抗性风险分析及其抗性生化机理

    Resistance Risk Analysis and Biochemical Mechanism of Spodoptera Litura to Avermectin

  20. 斜纹夜蛾微孢子虫在昆虫细胞系的体外培养

    Development of Nosema sp. from Spodoptera litura in A Insect Cell Line

  21. 50种热带地区植物对斜纹夜蛾的拒食活性

    Antifeeding activities of crude extracts from 50 tropical plants against Spodoptera litura

  22. 杀虫剂复配对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的生物活性分析

    Biological Activity Analysis of Prodenia litura Larvae which Applied by Insecticide Combinations

  23. 利用昆虫性信息素防治辣椒斜纹夜蛾

    Effects of Sex Pheromone on Spodoptera litura Control in Capsicum

  24. 胸苷激酶缺陷型斜纹夜蛾细胞株的建立

    Establishment of a Spodoptera litura Cell Line Deficient in Thymidine Kinase Activity

  25. 寄主植物对斜纹夜蛾药剂敏感性及中肠羧酸酯酶等的影响

    Effect of host plants on the pesticide susceptibility carboxylesterase of Spodoptera litura

  26. 防治棉田斜纹夜蛾专用药剂配方筛选试验

    Screening of Some Special Pharmaceutical Prescriptions for Control of Prodenia litura on Cotton

  27. 斜纹夜蛾对甲氧虫酰肼的抗性选育及抗性风险评估

    Selection and Risk Assessment of Spodoptera litura ( Fabricius ) Resistance to Methoxyfenozide

  28. 鸦胆子提取物对斜纹夜蛾拒食作用的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Antifeeding Actions of Brucea javanica Extracts Against Spodoptera litura Fabricius

  29. 芋对斜纹夜蛾的诱集作用

    Inducing gathering effect of taro on Spodoptera litura Fabricius

  30. 并研究了烟草主要次生物质烟碱对斜纹夜蛾生长发育和药剂敏感性的影响;

    Effect of nicotine on development and susceptibility to pesticides were also studied .