
xié tóu yǐng
  • oblique projection;inclined projection
斜投影[xié tóu yǐng]
  1. 将斜投影算子和MUSIC算法结合也能抑制杂波,实现剩余信号的超分辨。

    Combinations of the oblique projection operator and the MUSIC algorithm can achieve super-resolution with supression of the sea clutter .

  2. 利用广义逆AT(2),s的性质给出了求解约束线性方程组的斜投影法,并导出了与ABS算法类似的递推计算格式。

    In this paper , an oblique projection method for solving restricted linear equations is given and its recursive form is the same as that in ABS algorithm .

  3. 基于差分和斜投影的信源DOA分步估计方法

    A Method of DOA Stepped Estimation Based on Difference and Oblique Projector

  4. 在矩不变量中提出舍弃F5的可行方案。对投影特征参数法做出改进,提出了正斜投影并用的方法,在精度不变的情况下使样本数缩减十六倍。

    It is proposed that for the implementation of moment invariants t is better to abandon feature F_5.Method of projection parameters is improved that number of samples reduced 16 times without losing precision .

  5. 基于斜投影理论的OC-CDMA系统

    OC-CDMA System Based on Oblique Projection

  6. Krylov子空间技术是基于投影方法的规划算法,如今已成为一类求解大规模线性问题的优秀算法,该算法采用正投影或斜投影在子空间产生迭代向量进行计算。

    Krylov subspace methods are considered currently to be among the most important iterative techniques available for solving large-scale linear systems . These techniques are based on projection process , both orthogonal and oblique , onto Krylov subspaces .

  7. 基于斜投影算子的雷达有源压制干扰抑制

    Suppression of Radar Active Blanket Jamming Based on Oblique Projector Operator

  8. 斜投影在图解有关空间几何问题中的应用

    The application of inclined projection in illustrated diagram on space geometry problems

  9. 斜投影理论在极化滤波技术中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Polarized Filtering Based on Oblique Projection

  10. 斜投影方法收敛速度的估计

    The Estimate of Convergence Rate for the Oblique Projection Method

  11. 斜投影及其在画法几何解题中的应用

    Oblique Projection and Its Application to Solution of Problems in Descriptive Geometry

  12. 用斜投影法求曲面截交线、相贯线

    To Get Curve Transversal and Intersecting Line with Oblique Projection

  13. 用斜投影法解决相交的几个问题

    Some Problems in Solution of Intersection Points by Oblique Projection

  14. 斜投影画法的几何研究与计算机作图

    Oblique Projective Description Research with Geometry and Computer Construction

  15. 求解约束线性方程组的斜投影法

    An Oblique Projection Method for Solving Restricted Linear Equations

  16. 辅助斜投影法在正投影中的应用

    Application of Auxiliary Slant Projection in the Positive projection

  17. 带锐度保持的斜投影B-样条图像缩放

    Image Resizing Using Oblique Projection B-Spline with Sharpness Preserving

  18. 斜投影法在画法几何中的应用

    The Application of Oblique Projection Method in Descriptive Geometry

  19. 用斜投影解决画法几何图解问题

    To Solve Drawing Geometric Graph Problems With Oblique Projection

  20. 求解矩阵方程组的斜投影法

    An Oblique Projection Method for Solving Matrix Equation

  21. 斜投影显微图像分析法测量片状颗粒厚度的研究

    Research on Thickness Measurement of Sheet Particles with Microscopic Image Analysis Method of Oblique Projection

  22. 斜投影变换及其应用

    Oblique Projective Transformation And Its Application

  23. 利用斜投影法求解截交线和相贯线的投影

    Solving the Projection of Cross-section Curve and Intersection Line by Using the Method of oblique Projection

  24. 用积聚性原理及斜投影法解决空间几何元素相交问题

    Application of focusing principle and oblique projecting method in solving the problem of space geometrical elements ' crossing

  25. 本文介绍了应用辅助斜投影法解决各种正投影问题的方法和实例。

    The examples and methods given tend to solve various kinds of positive projection problems with the aid of auxiliary slant projection method .

  26. 但实际应用中,理想斜投影算子的获得是困难的,一般只能采用协方差阵分解的办法进行估计。

    But actually , obtaining the ideal oblique projection operator is difficult . It can be obtained by the decomposition of covariance matrix .

  27. 人们很少注意到斜投影方法,事实上斜投影方法更适合于解大型非对称线性方程组。

    Little attention has been given to oblique projection methods , but the class of oblique projection methods is particularly attractive for large nonsymmetric systems .

  28. 斜投影算法克服了正交投影算法的这一缺点,能够利用信号的方向信息,最大限度的保留有用信号。

    Oblique projection algorithm overcomes this shortcoming of orthogonal projection . It can use the DOA information of the GNSS signal and can maximum retain useful signal .

  29. 本文主要介绍在Ⅱ、Ⅳ平分角面上及投影面垂直面上的斜投影变换,探讨了这种变换的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses the oblique projective transformation on the isometric plane of Planes ⅱ、ⅳ and on the plane vertical to the projective plane and its application .

  30. 本文从匹配滤波的角度出发,令斜投影算子的投影空间为扫描矢量,提出基于导向矢量的斜投影算法。

    From the perspective of matched filtering , we assume the projection of oblique projection operator to be scan vector and propose a new oblique projection algorithm based on steering vector .