- 网络plagioclase gneiss;plagiogneiss;BPhg;Paleoproterozoic Baoyintu group biotite plagiogneiss

The Archaean rocks widely exposed in the area studied belong to the Qian-xi Group of granulite facies , including granulite , charnockite , pyroxene ( and / or amphibole ) - plagioclase gneiss , amphibolite and so on .
Main ore minerals are uraninite and coffinite . Uranium mineralization is mainly present in the biotite-concentrated site within pegmatoid granite and at the contact between pegmatoid granite dykes and biotite plagiogneiss .
There is a uncomplete migmatite zone in the north of rock mass and there are lots of relic body of migmatization biotite plagioclase - gneiss around it .
By afield mapping and analysis there are granitic orthogneiss composed of banded biotite plagiogneiss and biotite monzogneiss in the Shengxianpai area , southern Shaowu , Fujian Province .