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  • Ash trees;ashplant
  1. 但它也有负面影响,即破坏庄稼、摧毁如白蜡树和橡树等树木。

    But they have a negative side – destroying crops and wiping out trees such as the ash and the elm .

  2. 从古老的橡树林到有数百年历史的白蜡树和山毛榉林,林地为包括蝴蝶、鸟类和昆虫在内的各种野生动物提供了庇护,并锁住了数百万吨碳。

    From ancient oak forests to centuries-old groves1 of ash or beech2 , they provide a refuge for wildlife , including butterflies , birds and insects , and lock up millions of tonnes of carbon .

  3. 根据在英国和欧洲大陆对白蜡树(ashtree)进行的全面遗传分析,有关英国几乎所有白蜡树都面临灭绝的担心可能被夸大了。

    Fears that almost all of Britain 's ash trees face annihilation may be exaggerated , according to a comprehensive genetic analysis of ash across the UK and Europe .

  4. 这一令人鼓舞的消息源于这样一个发现:较低的白蜡树枯梢病易感性与较低水平的植物化学物质“环烯醚萜苷类”(iridoidglycosides)之间存在关联。

    The encouraging news comes from the discovery of a link between reduced susceptibility to ash dieback and lower levels of plant chemicals called iridoid glycosides .

  5. 环烯醚萜苷类有助于保护植物免受虫害,因此这类化合物的含量较低可能使英国白蜡树在另一大威胁——一种被称为白蜡窄吉丁(emeraldashborer)的甲虫——面前更为脆弱。

    Iridoid glycosides help to protect plants against insect pests , so low levels could make the British trees more vulnerable to the other big threat to European ash , a beetle called the emerald ash borer .

  6. 这种疾病会导致白蜡树落叶,最终枯萎而死。

    The disease causes trees to lose their leaves and eventually die .

  7. 美国白蜡树绿叶期扦插生根试验

    Test on Shoot Cutting of Fraxinus americana During Greenery Period

  8. 他正要求人们上交白蜡树的种子。

    He is asking people to send in ash seeds .

  9. 白蜡树属树种的园林应用探讨

    Discussion on Garden Application of Tree Species for Tree Genus of Fraxinus Chinensis

  10. 桂花与白蜡树嫁接的研究初报

    Study on grafting of Osmanthus fragrans and Fraxinus chinensis

  11. 人行道两边排列着枫树和白蜡树。

    sidewalks are lined with maple and ash trees .

  12. 美国农业部一直在拯救白蜡树方面做工作。

    The United States Department of Agriculture is working to save the ash tree .

  13. 白蜡树害虫发生危害及防治研究

    Occurrence and Control of Pest on Chinese Ash

  14. 幼树很快死亡,而成年白蜡树往往在几年后死亡。

    Young trees die fast while mature ash often take several years to succumb .

  15. 白蜡树属植物的组织培养和植株再生

    Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Fraxinus

  16. 女贞和白蜡树的树皮结构及次生韧皮部发育的季节变化

    Bark structure and seasonal variations of secondary phloem development in Ligustrum lucidum and Fraxinus chinensis

  17. 森林中有一株被认为是妖怪的白蜡树。

    There was an ash tree in the forest which was thought to be a monster .

  18. 自1992年传播至波兰以来,它已在东欧和北欧杀死了数以百万计的白蜡树。

    It has killed millions of plants in eastern and northern Europe since reaching Poland in 1992 .

  19. 遗传分析似乎表明,相比欧洲大陆的白蜡树,多数英国白蜡树生成的这类化合物较少。

    Most British ash trees produce less of these compounds than continental ones , the genetic analysis suggests .

  20. 这种甲虫在北美摧毁了大量白蜡树,并正从俄罗斯向西扩散,直扑欧洲。

    The beetle has devastated vast tracts of ash in North America and is spreading westward from Russia into Europe .

  21. 虽然遗传分析在英国白蜡树的真菌抗性上带来了令人鼓舞的消息,但它也可能意味着一个弱点。

    While the genetic analysis is encouraging news for the fungal resistance of British ash , it may have a downside , too .

  22. 白蜡树坚韧有弹性的木料,用于制家具、工具手柄、体育用具,如球棒。

    Strong elastic wood of any of various ash trees ; used for furniture and tool handles and sporting goods such as baseball bats .

  23. 巴格斯表示,这些研究结果可能解释了为什么2012年白蜡树枯梢病从欧洲大陆传播至英国时,没有像人们担心的那样快速传播。

    Mr Buggs said the findings might explain why ash dieback has not spread as rapidly in the UK as feared in 2012 when the fungus first arrived from continental Europe .

  24. 以北京为例,春季最常见的致敏花粉包括榆树、杨树、白蜡、合欢树和白桦的花粉。

    In Beijing , for example , the most common allergenic pollens in spring include those from the large-fruited elm tree , Cathay poplar , ash , acacia and white birch .

  25. 木,白蜡木这种树的坚硬有弹性的木材,用于(制作)家具、工具柄、运动器材如板球拍等

    The strong , elastic wood of this tree , used for furniture , tool handles , and sporting goods such as baseball bats .