
Bái chónɡ xǐ
  • KMT general based in South China
  1. 白崇禧将军被任命为国防部长,这是一个没有什么实权的职务。

    General Pai was appointed defense minister , a post with little meaning .

  2. 根据白崇禧说,这个体系已经在浙江执行。

    According to Pai , this system had already been implemented in Chekiang .

  3. 白崇禧和湖北省参议会立即向蒋提出实现和平的问题。

    Pai Chung-hsi and the Hupeh Provincial Council immediately brought the question of peace before the generalissimo .

  4. 随后,国民政府就经略新疆之人选引发了一场风波,白崇禧卷入其中。

    Then it triggered a storm for the candidate of controlling Xinjiang , in which Pai Chung-hsi was involved .

  5. 随后白崇禧作为空军司令员和航空学院校长接管空军。

    Pai Ch'ung-hsi then took over as principal of the aviation academy and as commander of the air force .

  6. 蒋介石希望从白崇禧手里夺回和平攻势的发明权,并在新的商标下继续其旧的统治。

    He hoped to snatch the patent for inventing the peace offensive from Pai Chung-hsi and to continue his old rule under a new trade mark .

  7. 这里的部队有一部分是忠于蒋的,但是却归蒋的宿敌白崇禧将军指挥。

    Some of these troops were loyal to Chiang , but they were under the command of General Pai Chung-hsi , an old opponent of Chiang .

  8. 以李宗仁、白崇禧为首的新桂系掌握广西实权后,采取了一些促进广西社会发展的措施,并取得一定的成效。

    When Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi , the heads of New Guangxi Junta took the power , they took a series of measures to promote the social development in Guangxi and made some achievements .