
bái shé zhuàn
  • The Legend of the White Snake;the legend of a white-snake fairy who fell in love with and married a mortal
  1. 白蛇传的改写要以现代意识为基点,传说不可能在泥古中复活。

    The modern sense is essential to rewrite the legend .

  2. 脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》讲的是源自明朝的故事。

    The White Snake , one of the most popular traditional Peking operas .

  3. 1997年策划、制作了大型音乐剧《白蛇传》,创造了连演900场的空前奇迹。

    In1997 he produced " Legend of White Snake " which ran for900 performances .

  4. 中国“白蛇传”的故事如今仍在持续流传着。

    The Chinese story of " White Snake " is alive and well today .

  5. 口头媒介视野下《白蛇传》的故事传统

    On the Story Tradition of Tale of the White Snake from Perspective of Oral Medium

  6. 白蛇传:从蛇图腾到具有反叛力的女性话语

    The Legend of White Snake : from snake totem to feminine discourse rich in rebellious force

  7. 白蛇传故事情节的进展演变与水这一因素有着密切的联系。

    The development of the story 's plot has close relation with the element of water .

  8. 另一个与端午节息息相关的中国传统故事是白蛇传。

    There is a very famous traditional Chinese story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival .

  9. 白蛇传是流传在古代中国非常著名的一个神话故事。

    Legend of the White Snake is one of the most famous tales spreading out among folks in ancient China .

  10. 《白蛇传》故事流传演变的历程中,青蛇一直是不受关注的角色。

    During the course of spread and evolution of The Story Of White Snake , the green snake did not draw attention .

  11. 近日,一群00后小朋友主演的少儿版《白蛇传》把观众萌化了。

    A children 's version of " Lady White Snake " performed by a group of young post-00s stole audiences ' hearts .

  12. 当天晚上,台湾明华园将在上海虹口体育场上演《超炫白蛇传》。

    That night Ming Hwa Yuan troupe will present the spectacular Opera ," Legend of White Snake ," in Hongkou Football Stadium .

  13. 有些家长让小孩穿上奇怪的装束,使人想起《西游记》或《白蛇传》等中国古典文学里的人物。

    Some parents dressed their kids in outfits reminiscent of Chinese classics like Journey to the West and Legend of the White Snake .

  14. 《白蛇传》的故事雏形可追溯到南宋话本《西湖三塔记》。

    The Story of the White Snake can be traced back to The Three Pagodas in the West Lake in the Southern Song Dynasty .

  15. 但集体改编、集体创作也使得这一时期的白蛇传作品失去了独特性。

    However , the collective adaptation also makes works of this period lose their uniqueness , resulting in the disadvantages of formulation and conceptualization .

  16. 由此可以看出,白蛇传是在我国深厚的文化传统中孕育而成的。

    Thus , it can be seen that The Legend of White Serpent has been nurtured in the long cultural tradition of our country .

  17. 白蛇传还存在被改写的空间,不同的作者可以从不同的角度予以诠释,赋予白蛇传以新的主题、情节、人物形象。

    It can be interpreted from different angles by different authors . Authors can give the tale with a new theme , plot or characters .

  18. 白蛇传起源于唐朝和五代时期,最后经明清两朝得以传世。

    Legend of the White Snake derives from the Tang and Five Dynasties and is handed down through the Ming and Qing Dynasties until now .

  19. 白蛇传故事是中国四大民间传说之一,它深植于民间文化的土壤之中,有着悠长的形成发展历史,是一个动态流变的故事。

    As one of the four most famous folk tales in China , The Tale of the White Snake plants deeply in soil of folk culture .

  20. 白蛇传是中华民族的著名传说,已作为原型存在于民族的集体记忆之中。

    The Legend of White Snake is one of the most popular tales of China . It exists in the memory of Chinese as a prototype .

  21. 白蛇传故事起源于民间,是一个优美的带有神性的民间传说,是我国四大民间传说之一。

    The white snake story originated from civilians , and is a beautiful and fairy folklore , which it is one of the four big Chinese folklores .

  22. 现代以来,白蛇传成为作家们改写与创作的重要题材。

    Nowadays , The Legend of White Snake becomes a very important theme of literature , and countless creative writers rewrite the tale with distinctive colors and social significance .

  23. 牛郎织女、孟姜女、白蛇传和梁山泊与祝英台这四部作品,享有“汉族四大民间传说”的美誉。

    Cowboy and Vega , Meng Jiangn ¨ 1 , White Snake Biography and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai enjoy a good fame as " Four Folklores of Han Nationality " .

  24. 第一章研究《白蛇传》故事的发展流变,以时间为经,叙述对《白蛇传》故事的阐释。

    The first chapter studies the development and evolvement of " White Snake " story , and describes the interpretation of the " White Snake " story by the time axis .

  25. 白蛇传故事在流传过程中,白娘子身上的恶性逐渐消失。善性越来越强。

    In the course of popularity , the White Maiden in the story of the Legend of White Serpent gradually lost her evil quality , instead , her virtues became more noticeable .

  26. 从白蛇传传说的历史渊源和发展演变来看,白蛇传传说与我国古代民族蛇文化的崇拜密切相关。

    From the historical origin and development process , the Legend of White Snake is closely related to the adorn for snakes in ancient China , and shows the cultural origin of snake totem .

  27. 山塘街还被写进不少民间传说和文艺作品之中,苏州弹词《玉蜻蜓》、《三笑》、《白蛇传》就都写到它。

    Shan Tong Street , was also included in a lot of folklore and literary and artistic works , Suzhou storytelling ," Jade Dragonfly " and " three laugh ," and " White Snake " is written on it .

  28. 此次的少儿版《白蛇传》由湖南卫视“小戏骨”栏目出品。“小戏骨”的字面意思是“小艺术家”,该栏目的特色是由小孩扮演中国文学和民间传说中的经典角色。

    The children 's version of " Lady White Snake " was produced by a Hunan TV program called Xiao Xigu , which literally means young artists in English , and features children in the roles of classic characters from Chinese literature and folklore .

  29. 第四章从重构神话的现代意义、文化的记忆与影响、小传统与大传统三个方面来研究《白蛇传》故事对当代文学的影响。

    The fourth chapter researches the influence of " White Snake " story on contemporary literature from the three aspects : the modern significance of reconstructing mythology , the continuity and influence of cultural and the comparison between " little tradition " and " great tradition " .

  30. 比如,浙江金山的法海寺和白蛇洞就与“白蛇传的传说”有关。南京的“莫愁”湖就是根据世代相传的传说得名的。

    For instance , the Fahai Temple and the White Dragon Cave in Jinshan Mountain in Zhenjiang relates to the fairy tale " The Legend of the White snake . " The Mochou Lake in Nanjing is associated with a legend which has been handed down from ancient times .