
fēnɡ shén bǎnɡ
  • The Legend of Deification
  1. 而这些口述剧本,则以三国演义、西游记、封神榜、水浒传等小说为主体。

    Such as Romance of three kingdoms , journey to the west , The legend of deification and Outlaws of the marsh .

  2. 封神榜是一款很受玩家欢迎的游戏。

    The First Myth is a game very popular among players .

  3. 这部电影大体上是根据中国小说《封神榜》创作的。

    The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods .

  4. 排名前7位的电视剧分别是:《屌丝男士》、《乡村爱情》、《大丈夫》、《隋唐英雄》、《封神英雄榜》、《新闺蜜时代》和《父母爱情》。

    Its top seven TV shows : Diors Man , Village Love , Real Man , Heros of Sui , andTang Dynasties , The Heroes , The Ladybros , Love of Parents .

  5. 《封神演义》,俗称《封神榜》,是一部中国神怪小说,作者不详,普遍认为是明朝的许仲琳或陈仲琳。

    FengShenYanyi , also known as The Investiture of the Gods , is one of the major Vernacular Chinese novels written in the Ming Dynasty .