
  • 网络creation of the gods;the Legend of Deification;SOUL HUNTER
  1. 姜子牙是中国古典通俗文学作品《封神演义》里的一个重要人物。

    Jiang Ziya is a prominent character in the popular Chinese classical novel Creation of the Gods .

  2. 本文对《封神演义》中妲己形象的发生进行了全新的考辩。

    This article throws a new light on Daji who is a figure in " creation of the Gods " .

  3. 2019年动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》大火之后,中国古代小说《封神演义》(《哪吒之魔童降世》灵感来源)也成了电影公司最追捧的神话大IP之一。

    After the animated film Ne Zha soared as a smash hit in 2019 , the stories originating from Fengshen Yanyi ( Investiture of the Gods ) - the ancient novel which has inspired the film Ne Zha - have become one of the most sought-after mythological subjects for studios .

  4. 世界名著封神演义大作。

    World famous work feng-shen-yan-yi does in a big way .

  5. 《封神演义》儒家革命思想新探

    Exploring Confucian Revolutionary Thoughts in Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities

  6. 《封神演义》与殷末史的流传

    The Apotheosizing Tales and the History of Late Yin Dynasty 's Coming down

  7. 《封神演义》中含摄了大量的密宗文化元素,使小说呈现出浓郁的异域文化的神秘色彩。

    Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities shows strong mysticism of foreign culture with plenty of cultural elements of mi sect .

  8. 《封神演义》,俗称《封神榜》,是一部中国神怪小说,作者不详,普遍认为是明朝的许仲琳或陈仲琳。

    FengShenYanyi , also known as The Investiture of the Gods , is one of the major Vernacular Chinese novels written in the Ming Dynasty .

  9. 每个支柱放在装饰木雕,从原来的括号内,土壤称为“支架”,一套完整的“封神演义”的人物;

    Each pillar is placed on decorative wood carving , from the original brackets , soil called " bracket ", a full set of " Romance of NABI ," whose characters ;

  10. 我至今也没能写出一本像《封神演义》那样的书,而石匠家的女儿也早已嫁给铁匠的儿子并且成了三个孩子的母亲。

    So far I 've been unable to write anything like Creation of the Gods , and the mason 's Daughter is now married to the blacksmith 's Son and has three children .