
  1. 自从17世纪以来,云南内地傣族地区经过清朝的改土归流以后,封建地主制经济不断兴起。

    Since 17th century , the economic formation of feudal landlord of Yunnan inland Dai had held a leading role after the reform of formal officers replacing national headmen of the Qing Dynasty .

  2. 它在中国传统文化中打下深深的烙印,支撑了中华文明没有中断过的发展,促进了封建地主制的形成和发展,为中国历史上人口的增长提供了动力和基础。

    Intensive cultivation represented the traditional Chinese culture , supported the continuous development of Chinese civilization , facilitated the formation and development of feudalist landownership , and therefore provided impetus and foundation for population growth in Chinese history .

  3. 哈尼族在其漫长的历史发展进程中,曾经历了母系氏族制、父系氏族制、封建领主制、封建地主制,并直接过渡到社会主义社会。

    The Hani people went through matrilineal clanship , patrilineal clanship , feudal laird system , and socialist society .

  4. 这一时期,贵州民族地区开始并在总体上逐步完成了由封建领主制向封建地主制的社会转型。

    Dueling this time , Guizhou mational area started and has gradually completed in the overall to transform from the feudal lord to feudal territorialism .

  5. 中国马克思主义史学工作者在唯物史观的指导下,从中国实际出发,论定战国秦汉以后属封建社会,并提出封建地主制理论。

    Under the guidance of historical materialism , Chinese Marxist historians came up with the theory of feudal landlord system , and thought the history of China had entered feudal society since the Han dynasty .

  6. 同时指出明末清初生产发展下出现的土地私有是湘西土家族地区封建领主制经济向封建地主制经济转化的重要原因。

    And one of the major reasons for the transformation of the economy of feudal suzerain system to the economy of feudal landlord system during late Ming and early Qing dynasties in this area is private owing of land rendered by the development of agriculture .