
qín wáng
  • Qin Wang;be dutiful to the throne;to serve the king;to save the country from danger
勤王 [qín wáng]
  • (1) [to serve the king]∶尽力于王事

  • 夏禹勤王,手足胼胝。--《晋书.谢安传》

  • 勤王之事

  • (2) [to save the country from danger]∶臣下发兵救援地位岌岌可危的主子

  • 德祐初,江上报急,诏天下勤王。--《宋史.文天祥传》

  • 火速勤王

勤王[qín wáng]
  1. 一七七八年获释后,他组织勤王游击队,为英国而战。

    In1778 , he was released , and organized a band of Loyalist guerrillas to fight for the British .

  2. 此事若属实兰尼斯特家族觊觎王位除您之外谁能勤王

    If this news is true and the Lannisters conspire against the Throne who but you can protect the king ?

  3. 为了博得宠妃褒姒一笑,幽王举烽火欺骗诸侯前来勤王。

    In order to gain a smile of his favorite concubine Bao Si , he even had the signal fire lighted , deceiving vassals into rescuing the king .

  4. 庚子勤王是一次晚清主张清廷体制内改革的高峰,也是其终结。

    The " Geng Zi Qin Wang " Movement was the peak of reform within the system of Qing 's Monarchy in late Qing Dynasty , and also its termination .

  5. 但当年戴瑞家可是打着雷加的真龙旗帜在三叉戟河为勤王奋战的望族之一,他三位兄长通通命丧于斯,而这事不论劳勃还是雷蒙爵士都没有忘记。

    but his family had fought beneath Rhaegar 's dragon banners at the Trident , and his three older brothers had died there , a truth neither Robert nor Ser Raymun had forgotten .

  6. 特别是北方的次等士族,在他们所处历史时期鸠帅乡部、托迹勤王,穿梭于各政权之间,对北朝后期的历史产生了比较重要的影响。

    Especially the second-class Nobles in the north , who led the hometown people , to defend the emperor , for the latter part of the history of the Northern Dynasties had a more important impact .