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qín láo
  • industrious;diligent;hardworking;contribution;toil;pains;credit;industrious and courageous;tired;fatigued
勤劳 [qín láo]
  • (1) [pains;toil]∶扰劳;辛劳

  • 此盖小事,何忍勤劳使君。--《隋书》

  • (2) [diligent;industrious]∶引申为努力劳动,不怕辛苦

  • 人之勤劳。--清. 黄宗羲《原君》

  • 千万倍之勤劳。

  • 勤劳致富

  • (3) [tired;fatigued]∶疲劳

  • 奔走可击;勤劳可击。--《吴子.料敌》

  • (4) [contribution;credit]∶功劳

  • 多建勤劳

  • 未有勤劳

勤劳[qín láo]
  1. 我的母亲跟中国妇女一样,很勤劳。

    Like many other Chinese women , my mother is diligent .

  2. 很难憎恨这么冷静、勤劳和正派的人。

    Sober , diligent , nice people are hard to hate .

  3. 她一向勤劳苦干,得到了丰厚的回报。

    She was richly rewarded for all her hard work .

  4. 勤劳的目的是致富。

    The purpose of industry is to create wealth .

  5. 她诚实勤劳,身上没有一点儿不好的气质。

    She was honest and hard-working , and didn 't have an unkind bone in her body .

  6. 他的成功充分体现了他的勤劳苦干和敬业精神。

    His success has been a tribute to hard work , to professionalism

  7. 她是个勤劳肯干的员工。

    She was an industrious and willing worker .

  8. 他靠着坚毅顽强和勤劳不懈发达起来了。

    With great perseverance and untiring industry , he prospered .

  9. 中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。

    The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage .

  10. 勤劳俭朴是中华民族的本色。

    Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation .

  11. 她是一个好姑娘,将来会成为一个勤劳忠贞的贤内助。

    She is a good girl , and will make a hardworking , devoted wife .

  12. 贫穷能使人勤劳。

    Poverty is a stimulus to industry .

  13. 想象力和勤劳是成功的要素。

    Imagination and hard work are the ingredients of success .

  14. 她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点运气。

    She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck .

  15. 中国人是勤劳的。

    The Chinese are industrious .

  16. 马科斯是个勤劳的农民。

    Marcos was a hardworking farmer .

  17. 即使在今天,勤劳有用的人也还会被称为"中坚分子"。

    Even today , the hard working useful people are described as " the salt of the earth " .

  18. 蚂蚁与蜜蜂是勤劳的昆虫。

    Ants and bees are laborious insects .

  19. 一个寡妇,既节俭又勤劳,她对两个仆人的要求也相当严厉。

    A widow , thrifty1 and industrious2 , had two servants , whom she kept pretty hard at work .

  20. 地毯看起来有点脏的时候,你可能会很勤劳地用吸尘器清理,但是一项令人震惊的研究表明,一般来说,卧室地板比马桶圈要脏十倍。

    You might be diligent1 about running the vacuum over your carpet whenever it starts to look a bit scruffy2 , but shocking research has revealed that the average bedroom floor is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat .

  21. 虽然科学家们一致认为自然传粉是给果蔬授粉的最佳方法,但这个日本的研究小组认为,配有肥皂泡喷洒器的无人机将来可能会减轻勤劳工作的蜜蜂的压力。

    While scientists agree that natural pollination is the best method of fertilising fruit and veg , the Japanese team believe that drones armed with soap bubble sprayers could , in future , take some of the strain from hardworking bees .

  22. 所部署的服务并不像对待web应用一样用同样的勤劳对待他们。

    Services deployed don 't treat them with the same level of diligence as they treat web applications .

  23. 包括中国,韩国,日本在内的东亚人是罪勤劳与聪慧的(谷歌IQ地图),他们在技术上超越西方只是时间问题。

    East Asia , including China , Koea , Japan , is the most hardworking and intelligent ( google IQ map image ), it is only the matter of time they surpass West on technology .

  24. 文章中的研究由巴西佩洛塔斯联邦大学的PedroHallal主导,是迄今为止对世界上的勤劳之人和电视懒虫最为完整的描绘。

    The study it describes , led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University of Pelotas , in Brazil , is the most complete portrait yet of the world 's busy bees and couch potatoes .

  25. 中国人是勤劳的,这是众所周知的。

    The Chinese are working-hard , as is known to all .

  26. 妈妈品性善良,勤劳朴实,是我心目中的女神。

    Mother nature is good , hardworking , in my mind .

  27. 畲族人民勤劳淳朴能歌善舞。

    The hardworking she people are good at singing and dancing .

  28. 要求他们勤劳民事,以民为本,然而这些要求都是从主体方面提出来的。

    However , all these demands were raised from the subjects .

  29. 勤劳、坚韧和节俭,会给你带来财富。

    Industry , perseverance , and plurality , make fortune yield .

  30. 别回来折磨你善良,勤劳的母亲。

    Don 't come back and play your honest , hardworking mother .