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xīng shèng
  • prosperous;flourishing;thriving;bonanza;up in the ascendant
兴盛 [xīng shèng]
  • [prosperous] 繁荣,旺盛

  • 事业兴盛

兴盛[xīng shèng]
  1. 美国MBA教育在创立起至今的一百多年里一直兴盛不衰,对社会、经济影响深远。

    The MBA education in America is so approbatory that it is consistently prosperous from its outset .

  2. 西夏军事体育兴盛的社会学探析

    Sociology Research of Prosperous for Military Sports in Xi - xia

  3. 中国的兴盛是可以计日程功的。

    The day is not far off when China will attain prosperity .

  4. Agritainment(农家乐)就是指农村旅游,像走玉米田迷宫、搭乘颠簸的干草车、亲手摘南瓜等场院式活动均属“农家乐“范畴。这种日渐兴盛的旅游形式在帮助农民增加收入的同时也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。

    Agritainment is farm-based tourism , includes family style activities , such as corn mazes their revenue stream .

  5. 例句:Itusedtobeaveryprosperoustown.这个城镇过去很繁荣。灾难过后,他们家又慢慢地兴盛起来。

    After their misfortunes the family slowly became prosperous .

  6. 另一方面,路虎一直专注于做SUV,并因此而兴盛起来。

    Land Rover , on the other hand , has stayed focused on SUVs and thrived .

  7. 尽管巴基斯坦对印度电影的禁令已实施了40年,但印度电影在巴基斯坦深受大众喜爱。兴盛的DVD市场和卫星电视使巴基斯坦人在家中也可以欣赏宝莱坞制作的影片。

    Indian films are hugely popular in Pakistan , and a flourishing bootleg DVD industry and satellite television mean Pakistanis can now watch Bollywood movies at home .

  8. 然而,即使作业成本法兴盛一时,IMA却发现这种兴盛难以持久。

    However , even though ABC had been popular for a while , IMA soon found that this popularity can not be sustainable .

  9. 领带的消亡被归咎于Facebook和谷歌等创意产业和在线交易公司的兴盛,这些企业一般不会规定穿正式服装,而倾向于更休闲的装扮。

    Its demise is being blamed on the boom in creative businesses , such as Facebook and Google , and online trading companies where formal dress codes tend to be shunned in favour of a more casual approach .

  10. 第三季中描述的时期正是美国兴盛的20年代,预计该剧将会给PBS电视台带来非常不错的收视,该剧第二季大结局的收视人数达到了540万观众。

    The third season will be set during the Roaring 20s and is expected to be a ratings bonanza for PBS , which saw huge ratings for the show 's second season finale in February , with 5.4 million viewers .

  11. 阿姆斯特朗还计划再投资AOL的接入订购业务,AOL在兴盛时期曾有3000万拨号互联网接入用户,现在逐渐减少到大约600万。该部门继续为AOL的免费业务提供巨大的流量。

    Mr Armstrong also plans to reinvest in AOL 's access subscription business , a once thriving enterprise in dial-up internet access with 30m members , which has now dwindled to about 6m . The division continues to contribute significant traffic to AOL 's free properties .

  12. 苗族银饰的兴盛同样也不是一蹴而就的。

    Miao silver is not the prosperity of the same quick .

  13. 1927&1937年为体育经济空前活跃和兴盛阶段;

    From 1927-1937 , sport economy became more flourished and blooming .

  14. 保护和开发人才资源是企业兴盛之根本

    Protect and Exploit Talent Resource the Root of Keeping Enterprise Flourishing

  15. 古代日本寺院经济兴盛的原因探究

    On the Causes of the Temple Economy Prosperity in Ancient Japan

  16. 论中晚唐爱情诗的兴盛

    On Flourish of Poems of Love in the Late Tang Dynasty

  17. 浅论宋代商业的兴盛对社会风气的影响

    Influence on Ethos by the Prosperous Trade in the Song Dynasty

  18. 铜镜的铸造业因此十分兴盛。

    The foundry industry of bronze mirror was therefore very thriving .

  19. 民间金融兴盛与农村信用社改革

    The nongovernmental finance and the Rural Credit Cooperatives ' reform

  20. 论宋代城市文娱消费兴盛的经济原因

    Economic Factors Accounting For Urban Cultural Prosperity & Consumption in Song Dynasty

  21. 南宋初院画的兴盛及其原因

    On the thriving of Academy Painting in early South-Song Dynasty

  22. 隐性采访在当代中国的兴盛,有着多方面复杂的原因。

    The convert interview boom in modern China has many complicated reasons .

  23. 而且近代上海是中国最发达的城市,公园的建设也最兴盛。

    Shanghai is also one of the most developed regions in China .

  24. 武侠文化兴盛的历史原因

    Historical Analysis on Reasons of the Prosperity of Chivalry Culture

  25. 龙年代表着财运和兴盛。

    The year of Dragon represents good fortune and prosperity .

  26. 王渊源:“兴起”就是指开始出现并兴盛起来。

    " Xingqi " means to rise or spring up .

  27. 元代审美风尚与喜剧创作的兴盛

    Comedy Creation of Yuan Dynasty : Aesthetic and Prosperity

  28. 中国近代法政杂志的兴盛与宏旨

    The Prosperity and Aim of Chinese Modern Journals of Law and Political Science

  29. 在官学建立的同时,私学也极为兴盛。

    While the official learning building-up , the private learning is also prosperous .

  30. 论建安时期女性文学兴盛的原因

    On the Reasons for Prosperity of Female Literature in the Period of Jian'an