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sàn bù
  • take a walk;stroll;go for a walk;turn;ramble;walk out;go for a stroll;parade;perambulation;walk, take a walk
散步 [sàn bù]
  • (1) [walk, take a walk]∶ 为了锻炼或娱乐而随便走走

  • 去散步

  • 爱作长距离散步

  • 上公园去散步

  • (2) [walk out]∶尤指在漫步中向人求婚

  • 她同汽车修理厂的一个技工出去散步

  • (3) [stroll;go for a stroll]∶漫步徘徊

  • 到田野里散步

  • (4) [parade]∶尤其为了炫耀而缓漫步行

  • 贵妇们早晨穿着黑衣服,但是下午却穿着漂亮时髦的丝长袍散步

散步[sàn bù]
  1. 我们去散散步好吗?我想活动一下。

    Could we take a walk ? I feel like a little exercise .

  2. 空闲时,他喜欢散步。

    He likes to take a walk in his free hours .

  3. 黄昏时分我们沿着海滩散步。

    We went for a walk along the beach at twilight .

  4. 在清新空气中散散步会使你精神振奋。

    A walk in the fresh air will pep you up .

  5. 她带着狗绕街区散步。

    She took the dog for a walk around the block .

  6. 他正在路边散步,突然遭到袭击。

    He was walking along the road when he was attacked .

  7. 高潮时你不能在这个海滩散步。

    You can 't walk along this beach at high tide .

  8. 这条海滨小路是散步者很喜欢走的路径。

    The coastal path is a popular route for walkers .

  9. 我喜欢晚上散步。

    I like to have a walk in the evenings .

  10. 在公园里散散步怎么样?不会太累的。

    How about a stroll in the park ? Nothing too strenuous .

  11. 我们过去常在晚上散步。

    We would often have a walk of an evening .

  12. 轻快的散步可以使人头脑清醒。

    A brisk walk should blow the cobwebs away .

  13. 我绕着这座房子四周散步。

    I walked around the outside of the building .

  14. 我们要冒着风雨去散步吗?

    Are we going to brave the elements and go for a walk ?

  15. 对对情侣手牵手沿河边散步。

    Couples walked hand in hand along the front .

  16. 散步之后他们感到精神焕发。

    They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk .

  17. 我们去沙滩上散了散步。

    We went for a walk along the sand .

  18. 我们去公园散了散步。

    We went for a walk in the park .

  19. 我们沿湖边散步。

    We went for a walk by the lakeside .

  20. 我们去公园散了散步。

    We went for a stroll in the park .

  21. 当地的活动包括散步、划船以及打高尔夫球。

    Local activities include walking , boating and golf .

  22. 他们去小山上散步了。

    They went for a walk up the koppie .

  23. 我们星期日午餐吃得特别多,散散步帮助消化。

    We walked off a heavy Sunday lunch .

  24. 散步使我胃口大开。

    The walk gave me a good appetite .

  25. 咱们去散散步吧。

    Let 's go for a walk .

  26. 咱们去散散步。

    Let 's go for a walk .

  27. 我们沿着岩石嶙嶙的海岸线散步。

    We walked along the rocky shoreline .

  28. 他们喜欢到沼泽地散步。

    They love walking the moors .

  29. 她喜欢独自长距离散步。

    She enjoys long solitary walks .

  30. 我喜欢散步多于喜欢爬山。

    I prefer walking to climbing .