
  • 网络prosaic;prosify;prosification;prose
  1. 论现代散文化小说的散文化思维

    On the " Prose Trend " of Modern Prosaic Novel

  2. 局外人与公众话语&伍尔夫后期小说的文化立场与散文化写作研究

    " The Outsider " and Public Discourses : on the Cultural Position and Prosaic Style of Virginia Woolf 's Later Novels

  3. 或如马克吐温(marktwain)更为散文化的描述:过去也许不会重复,但会回环。

    Or as Mark Twain more prosaically put it , the past may not repeat itself , but it rhymes .

  4. 试论胡适白话诗的散文化倾向

    On the Prose Tendency of Colloquial Poem by Hu Shi

  5. 他们在散文化小说中表现出了脱俗的世事。

    They scattered and cultural stories in a refined performance of the world .

  6. 鲁迅小说的散文化叙述分析

    Analysis of Prose in Lu Xun 's Novel

  7. 新诗的散文美与散文化

    Prose Beauty and Prose Culture in New Poems

  8. 女性叙述文体的散文化倾向

    On the Prose Tendency of Female Narrative Style

  9. 小说的散文化在中国现代文学史上是一场革命。

    The cloak-and-dagger prose turns is a revolution on the Chinese contemporary literature history .

  10. 新诗散文化的理论误区与新诗格律化的必要性江苏区域经济社会发展差序格局的文化驱动机制研究

    A Study of the Culture-driven Difference-order Pattern in the Regional Socio-Economic Development in Jiangsu Province

  11. 在小说的结构上,他们都有散文化的特征,注重意境的营造。

    In structure , they have the characteristics of prose and pay attention to images .

  12. 从文学发展的角度看,赋是诗的进一步散文化。

    Culture Fu is the poem with essay characteristics from the view of the development of literature .

  13. 第二,当代广西壮族小说家还形成了对诗化或散文化的艺术追求。

    Many Zhuang novelists have showed the tendency of pursuing poetic and prose in their art works .

  14. 小说的诗化和散文化是他创作的主要特点,也是他对现代文学的特殊贡献。

    This is considered as the primary characteristics of his novels and main contribution to contemporary literary .

  15. 汪曾祺散文化小说具有如下三种鲜明的特征:通常为一种如诗的意境所笼罩;

    The prose-style novels of Wang Zeng-qi feature as follows : They are usually shrouded by poem-like mood ;

  16. 中国的浪漫主义电影分为散文化、离奇科幻等几种基本模式。

    Among the basic patterns of Chinese romantic movies there are the prose style , the fantastic science fiction and so forth .

  17. 第二,她小说中随处可见的散文化叙述使得她笔下的日常生活场景诗意盎然,极具情致。

    Secondly , prosed narrative which can be seen everywhere in her novels makes her writing of everyday life poetic and tasteful .

  18. 他的散文化小说结构大致可分为三种:树枝状结构、云朵式结构、画薄式结构。

    The prose structure of his novel can be divided into three kinds : branch-like structure , cloud-like structure and drawing-board-like structure .

  19. 第三章分析作者采用的多样形式,即全景式写作、散文化结构等等。

    The third chapter presents that the author adopts various forms of creation , including advantage writing , the prose structure and so on .

  20. 在这一背景之下,春秋的诗性文化没有得到光大,而形成文化的散文化趋向。

    Under this background , the poetry culture of Chun-qiu does not develop furtherly during the Warring States because of the different interests of schools .

  21. 汪曾祺小说的散文化表现为:人物描写的散文化;叙述的写意性、主观性;结构的随意性。

    The prosification of wangzengqi 's novels reflects in : literary sketch of figures ; free hand brushwork in narration ; subjectivity ; structure freedom .

  22. 第二节从分析翻译活动入手,认为外国诗歌翻译的散文化、外国散文诗的翻译等都是导致中国散文诗产生的原因,而且中国散文诗理论也受到了外国相关理论的直接影响。

    The second section thought that the foreign verse translated to prose and the prose poem translation were the main reasons bringing on Chinese prose poem .

  23. 从作品的纪实性、散文化的倾向、幽默与哀伤相交织的情调以及浓郁的民族风情等方面予以阐释。

    Explanation is made from the actuality of works , the tendency of prose style , mixed feelings of humour and sadness and rich ethnic folklore , etc.

  24. 汉大赋是辞赋为了适应新的表现对象事物外观、发展新的表现力体物绘事而逐渐散文化的结果,也是辞赋适应新的文学审美观以铺陈为美的西汉文学审美观念的结果。

    Han " fu " results from its new expressive objects and then has a prose trend and conforms to new aesthetic concept & description at great length .

  25. 汪曾祺力图打破小说与诗、散文、戏剧的界限,形成诗化、散文化的小说。

    Wang Zeng-Qi trid hard to break poetry and the limit of novel , prose and drama , form poetry to melt , prose the novel that melts .

  26. 散文化的语言形式与体物的文学审美观&汉大赋体制形成过程中的文体意义形成了从秦、汉以来延续2000余年的大一统多元性文化。

    Stylistic Significance in Han Da Fu System Formation ; forming eventually a united , pluralistic culture that has been lasting over 2000 years since the Qing and Hang Dynasties .

  27. 她的小说主要使用全知叙述视角和线性结构讲述故事,其中也包含着限知人物视角的切换和结构上的散文化特征。

    Her novels are mainly the use of omniscient and linear structure tells a story , which also contains limit powder cultural characteristics switching and structure characters on the knowledge perspective .

  28. 在哲理诗情与散文化方面,表现出史诗特色、悲剧意识和崇高与壮美;

    In the aspect of poetry feelings & philosophical theory and the style of prose , reportage show lofty and majestic , tragedy consciousness and the characteristic of ' epic ' ;

  29. 其次,萧红以率真自然的语言、自传式叙事方法、散文化的结构及诗化风格,创造出一种介于小说、散文和诗之间的边缘文体。

    Secondly , Xiao to Frank , natural language , autobiographical prose narrative methods , structure and poetic style , creating a cross between novels , essays and poems between edge style .

  30. 少数作品的审美判断的矛盾、方言土语的审美缺失及散文化倾向,也是其不足。

    But the contradiction of the aesthetic judgements , the aesthetic disappearance of the dialect local , and be inclined to distribute culture of a few works is his novels ' insufficient too .