
sàn fā bìnɡ lì
  • sporadic case
  1. 目前的证据表明,这属于一起人感染甲型H5N1流感的散发病例,没有发生二代传播。

    Evidence so far indicates a sporadic case of human influenza A ( H5N1 ) infection without secondary spread .

  2. [结论]这是1例钩端螺旋体散发病例。

    [ Conclusion ] This was a sporadic case of the leptospirosis .

  3. U×U婚配型中,存在散发病例。

    There were sporadic cases in U × U matings .

  4. 暴发病例采集血标本30份,散发病例采集血标本65份,麻疹IgM抗体阳性率分别为96.67%和56.92%。

    Thirty blood specimens were collected from outbreak cases and 65 from non-outbreak cases . The proportion of positive IgM antibody was 96.67 % and 56.92 % respectively .

  5. 1个LCDⅠ散发病例在BIGH3基因的第4号外显子发现R124C突变;

    A heterozygous mutation of exon 4 in a case with LCD I was discovered which was R124C ;

  6. A/上海/7/99(H1N1)类毒株今后在上海可能会出现局限性流行和散发病例。

    It is possible that A / SH / 7 / 99 ( H1N1 ) - like virus could arouse limited epidemic and scattered cases in Shanghai in the next year .

  7. Goldenhar综合征家系及散发病例永生细胞系的建立

    Establishment of immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines of the Goldenhar syndrome family and sporadic cases

  8. 病原学监测,全年以H3N2为优势流行株,B型流感病毒只引起散发病例或小暴发。

    For etiological monitoring , influenza A ( H 3N 2 ) was found to be the predominant strain throughout year , and the influenza B only caused sporadic cases or small-scale outbreak .

  9. 遗传性痉挛性截瘫散发病例的诊断

    Hereditary spastic paralegia : Diagnosis and analysis of 24 sporadic cases

  10. 乙脑的流行和散发病例多发生在亚太地区。

    Its prevalence and sporadic cases often happened in Asia-Pacific area .

  11. 良性婴儿惊厥的临床特征:家族性和散发病例

    Clinical features of benign infantile convulsions : Familial and sporadic cases

  12. 同期收集散发病例6人,健康对照122例。

    Collect 6 send out patients , 122 healthy controls .

  13. 嗜肺军团菌由气溶胶介导传播,可引起暴发流行或散发病例。

    Legionella pneumophila mediated by the aerosol can cause epidemic outbreak or distribution .

  14. 179例麻疹疑似病例中,暴发病例106例,散发病例73例;

    Among 179 cases , 106 were outbreak cases and 73 were sporadic .

  15. 结论遗传性痉挛性截瘫散发病例的临床特点与有家族史者相似。

    Conclusions The clinical characteristics in HSP cases are similar to familial history .

  16. 临床上被诊断为脊髓小脑共济失调的具有家族遗传史的8个家系25名患者,无家族史的散发病例6个患者。

    Families with 25 patients and 6 sporadic cases involed in spinocerebellar ataxias ;

  17. 人感染猪流感病毒的暴发和散发病例时有报导。

    Outbreaks and sporadic human infection with swine influenza have been occasionally reported .

  18. 西班牙本土急性戊型肝炎散发病例报道

    Sporadic cases of acute autochthonous hepatitis E in Spain

  19. 成年发作的进行性黏蛋白性组织细胞增多症2例散发病例

    Two sporadic cases of adult-onset progressive mucinous histiocytosis

  20. 方法收集两个母系遗传非综合征型耳聋家系和14个感音神经性耳聋散发病例;

    Methods Blood samples were obtained from 2 pedigrees and 14 sporadic patients with SNHL .

  21. 麻疹监测专业人员对爆发疫情的重视程度高于散发病例。

    The staff in charge of measles surveillance paid more attention on outbreak cases than on sporadic cases .

  22. 单疱病毒在上下呼吸道感染中为散发病例。

    The Herpes simples viruses that has been found in sporadic cases of upper and lower respiratory infection .

  23. 目的检测两例中国汉族结节性硬化症散发病例的基因突变位点。

    Objective To analyze the mutation of TSC gene in two sporadic patients with tuberous sclerosis complex ( TSC ) .

  24. 约2/3的患者有家族病史,表现为常染色体显性遗传,余1/3患者为散发病例。

    Approximately 2 / 3 of the patients have the family history , and follow the autosomal dominant inheritance pattern .

  25. 一般来说,奥司他韦耐药病例在地理上分布比较分散,属于散发病例,相互间没有联系。

    In general , cases of oseltamivir resistance have been geographically dispersed , sporadic and not linked to one another .

  26. 发病具有明显的季节性,80%以上的病例集中在7至10月份,但其它月份均有散发病例。

    The incidence is to change with the season , above 80 % cases are concentrated in 7 to 10 month .

  27. 呼吸科病房住院患者中全年均有有流感的散发病例,第一、四季度多见。

    Sporadic cases of influenza were found in general wards , incidence rate is higher in the first and the fourth quarter .

  28. 结论:遗传原因占了约一半的散发病例和近三分之二的家庭早发型肥厚性心肌病。

    Conclusions Genetic causes account for about half of presumed sporadic cases and nearly two thirds of familial cases of childhood-onset hypertrophy .

  29. 尽管与猪接近的人会有个别散发病例,但通常并不传染给人类。

    It does not normally infect humans , although sporadic cases do occur usually in people who have had close contact with pigs .

  30. 人因食用或接触螺类而受感染患嗜酸性粒细胞增多性脑膜炎和脑膜脑炎,已有2起集体爆发和多例散发病例。

    There were 2 outbreaks and sporadic cases in human population , including cases of eosinophilic meningitis caused by eating snails and slugs .