
sǎn bái yǐ
  • reticulitermes flavipe
散白蚁[sǎn bái yǐ]
  1. 黑胸散白蚁幼期不同品级的发育和分化

    Development and differentiation of various castes in the immature stage of Reticulitermes chinensis

  2. 中国散白蚁属二新种(等翅目:鼻白蚁科)

    Two new species of the genus Reticulitermes from china . ( isoptera : rhinotermitidae )

  3. 黑胸散白蚁多对脱翅成虫群养的产卵及孵化行为尖唇散白蚁工蚁和繁殖蚁卵子发生比较

    Oviposition and hatching behavior of Reticulitermes chinensis under group rearing condition with several couples of dealate adults

  4. 白捕特微胶囊对于黄胸散白蚁比家白蚁效果更好。

    The control effect of Baktop capsules to Reticulitermes speratus was better than that of to Coptotermes formosanus .

  5. 黑胸散白蚁肠道纤维素酶基因的初步探究鹅肠道纤维分解菌的分离筛选及酶活力研究

    Primary Studies on the Cellulase Genes in the Gut of Reticulitermes Chinese Snyder ; Isolation and Enzyme Activity Determination of Cellulose-Decomposing Bacteria from Goose Intestinal Tract

  6. 目的了解台湾乳白蚁和黄胸散白蚁对伊维菌素的敏感性差异,为伊维菌素用于白蚁防制提供依据。

    Objective To test the susceptibility of Reticulitermes flaviceps and Coptotermes formosanus workers to ivermectin so as to provide basic information for termite control using ivermectin .

  7. 结论啶虫脒对大别山散白蚁的毒杀效果良好,其控制白蚁作用值得进一步研究。

    Conclusion Acetamiprid has a good toxic efficacy to Reticulitermes dabieshanensis , its possibility for termite control in practice deserves further study in the near future .

  8. 目的研究硼酸木材防护剂对危害建筑物的台湾乳白蚁和栖北散白蚁的预防效果。

    Objective To measure the efficacy of boric acid wood preservatives in the prevention of Coptotermes formosanus ( Shiraki ) and Reticulitermes speratus ( Kolbe ) in buildings .

  9. 尖唇散白蚁工蚁和繁殖蚁卵子发生比较基于蚁群模型的图像分割,将图像转化为新的蚁群栖居地,通过图像栖居地实现。

    For the image segmentation based on ants model , the original image was transformed into the ant colonies habitats , and image segmentation was realized through ant colonies habitats image .