
ɡǎn jué yì chánɡ
  • Paresthesia;paraesthesia
  1. 她出现四肢感觉异常,下肢麻木,脚部间歇性刺痛。

    She presented with paraesthesia in her extremities , numbness of her lower legs and intermittent sharp pains in her feet .

  2. 狂犬病最初症状是发热,伤口部位常有疼痛或有异常或原因不明的颤痛、刺痛或灼痛感(感觉异常)。

    The initial symptoms of rabies are fever and often pain or an unusual or unexplained tingling , pricking or burning sensation ( paraesthesia ) at the wound site .

  3. 这辆汽车的外壳给人的感觉异常坚固。

    The solid feel of the car 's shell is impressive .

  4. 美国有很多病人都因为穿着紧身牛仔裤等流行服饰而患上“感觉异常性股痛”,其症状表现为大腿刺痛、麻木及疼痛,我们可称之为“紧身牛仔裤综合征”。

    A number of patients in the US have been found suffering from ' meralgia paresthetica ' , a disorder1 that causes symptoms of tingling2 , numbness3 and pain in the upper legs , as a result of their trendy clothing choices , such as skinny jeans .

  5. 两组下肢蜂窝组织炎及感觉异常的发生率差异亦具有显著性(P值均<0.05)。

    The occurrence of leg cellulitis and sense abnormity were also less in preservation group than in ligation group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. MS首发及常见症状为感觉异常、肢体无力、视力减退及括约肌功能障碍,病变部位以脊髓受累最多见,部分患者存在精神情感障碍。

    The most common lesions were located in spinal cord . Most MS patients had sensory disturbance .

  7. 目的了解C纤维支配的感受单位(C单位)在糖尿病性神经病患者产生疼痛和感觉异常中的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of C receptive unit innervated by C fiber ( C unit ) on diabetic neuropathic patients with pain and paresthesia .

  8. 结论出现感觉异常有助于MS早期诊断,诱发电位及MRI有助于发现亚临床病变;

    Conclusions Paresthesia may be helpful for the early diagnosis of MS , evoked potentials and MRI findings may be helpful for discovering subclinical lesions in CNS .

  9. 两组总有效率和TTP比较差异无显著性。毒副反应主要为外周神经感觉异常,症状可逆。

    The major toxicity was reversible peripheral sensory neuropathy .

  10. 而应激又可以引起内脏感觉异常,尤其是应激所致的焦虑似乎与IBS的内脏高敏关系最为密切,但确切的发生机制尚不清楚。

    Stress may lead to visceral sensitivity abnormalities , especially anxiety is likely to be closely associated with visceral hypersensitivity , but the definite mechanism is unclear .

  11. 结果发现:砷中毒患者末稍感觉异常以痛觉、温度觉、压觉减退最为明显,与其对照对比有显著性差异(P<0.05%);

    The result showed that the arsenic poisoning patients had got abnormal distal sensation with obvious features of hypalgesia , abatement of temperature sensation with obvious of hypalgesia , abatement of temperature sensation and pressure abatement , which had great difference with the control ( P < 0.05 );

  12. 目前多数学者认为IBS是由多因素诱发的疾病,这些因素包括内脏感觉异常、肠道动力异常、感染、免疫、精神心理因素、基因和肠道菌群失调等。

    Now most researchers consider that IBS has a multifactorial etiology , which involves abnormal gastrointestinal motility , visceral hypersensitivity , infection , immunity , psychological factor , gene and enteric dysbacteriosis and so on .

  13. 目的研究酸灌注刺激对非糜烂性胃食管反流病(NERD)患者食管内脏敏感性的影响,探讨内脏感觉异常在NERD发病机制中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of esophageal mucosal acid exposure on visceral sensation of patients with non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease ( NERD ) and to evaluate the role of visceral hypersensitivity in NERD pathogenesis .

  14. 诱发感觉异常最常见,47.1%。诱发疼痛反应仅一个,位于VC核,温/冷和眩晕反应,分别位于VOP核,Vim核和VC核,43.8%位点未出现诱发反应。

    Paresthesia was the most common response and occurred 47.1 % , pain was only seen 1 site in vc nuclei , warm / cold and vertigo was seen from vop , vim , vc , nucleus , no responses were seen 43.8 % .

  15. 这种疾病名为感觉异常性背痛(notalgiaparesthetica),它通常与脊柱和椎间盘出现问题,压迫或损伤了神经相关。

    The condition has a name , notalgia paresthetica , and is often associated with spine and disk problems that pinch or damage nerves .

  16. 改良TEP术主要并发症为皮下或阴囊气肿、血肿或血清肿、暂时性神经感觉异常、膀胱损伤以及腹股沟区异物感。

    05 ) . ( 3 ) The main complication of modified TEP was subcutaneouly or scrotum emphysema , hematomas or seroma , temporariness paresthesia , bladder injury and foreign body sensation in the inguinal area .

  17. 其余12例移植后血钙值上升,Chvostek征和Trousseau征转阴性,手足搐搦、感觉异常等低钙症状缓解或消失。

    In other 12 cases followed up over 6 months to 3 years , the serum calcium increased ; Chvostek 's sign and Trousseau 's sign turned to negative ; symptoms such as tetany , muscle cramps , hyposthenia , anxiety and depression disappeared or were ameliorated .

  18. 感觉异常,麻木-可掩盖损伤程度。

    Paresthesias , numbness – may mask the degree of damage .

  19. 胃肠功能性疾病:是胃肠动力障碍?还是内脏感觉异常所致?

    Functional gastrointestinal disorders : abnormality in motility or visceral sensitivity ?

  20. 人眼对比度敏感视觉特性及模型研究感觉异常性多肢幻觉

    Research of contrast sensitivity characteristics and model of human vision system

  21. 目的:了解孤独症患儿感觉异常行为的特征。

    Objective : To explore the characteristics of sensory behavior of autism children .

  22. 结论黄芪注射液加脉络宁注射液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变,肢体麻木、疼痛等感觉异常明显好转,肌电图测定的神经传导速度有不同程度增快。

    Electromyography nerve conduction velocity increase in different degree .

  23. 糖尿病大鼠胃化学感觉异常及其机制研究

    Abnormal gastric sensation to chemical stimulation in diabetic rats and its possible mechanism

  24. 初起症状是患肢发凉、麻木、感觉异常、间歇性跛行等。

    Early symptoms : cold limbs , numbness , paresthesia , intermittent claudication etc.

  25. 孤独症患儿感觉异常行为分析

    Analysis of Abnormal Sensory Behaviors of Autism Children

  26. 广州管圆线虫病的早期临床表现主要有发热、头痛及皮肤感觉异常。

    The main early clinical manifestations included fever , headache and abnormal skin sensitivity .

  27. 当我们向那座房子走去时,我的胃部感觉异常。

    I got a strange feeling in my stomach as we walked towards the house .

  28. 此时此刻我感觉异常兴奋;

    At this moment I feel excited ;

  29. 主要的毒副反应为白细胞减少,指(趾)感觉异常,恶心及呕吐。

    The mian toxicities were leucopenia , finger and tor sensory abnormal , nausea ande vomiting .

  30. 可能有严重的感觉异常。

    There may be severe paresthesia .