
suǐ qiào xínɡ chénɡ
  • myelination;myelinization
  1. 结论:MR成像可用于评价胎脑形态及髓鞘形成;

    Conclusion : The fetal brain morphology and myelination can be clearly demonstrated and evaluated by MR imaging .

  2. 正常胎儿脑形态和髓鞘形成的MRI以及弛豫时间测量

    MR Imaging of Brain Morphology and Myelination and Relaxation Time Measurement in Normal Fetuses

  3. E组的OECs在神经纤维轴突周围有髓鞘形成,并穿越移植区,炎症细胞较少,浸润不明显。

    In group E , the OECs formed myelin around the axons , the infiltration of inflammatory cells was not obvious .

  4. 结论:SC的分化成熟及髓鞘形成呈轴突依赖性,仅在与神经细胞共同培养时,才开始形成髓鞘。

    Conclusion : The differentiation and maturation of SC depend on axon , and the activity of integrins is expressed by axon .

  5. PTPα是小纤维髓鞘形成的负性调节分子

    PTP α Acts as a Negative Modulator of Myelination of Small CNS Axons

  6. 目的探讨受体酪氨酸磷酸酶α(PTPα)在周围神经系统髓鞘形成中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of PTP α in myelination of the peripheral nervous system .

  7. 结果伤后2,4,8,12周,A组S-100、MBP染色细胞和ISH细胞差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其中ISH阳性细胞可见髓鞘形成。

    Results There was no significant difference among staining positive cells , S 100 MBP and positive ISH cells in Group A.

  8. 典型的虎斑状改变是由于正常髓鞘形成的区域和髓鞘形成不良的区域交杂在一起所致,可以在MRI上看到,但是这种改变并不是PMD独有的。

    The classic " tigroid " appearance that is the result of heterogeneous areas of myelination and dysmyelination may be seen on MRI but this finding is not exclusive to PMD .

  9. 作为髓鞘形成的必须前提,OPCs迁移过程得到了广泛的关注。

    As one of the indispensable premises for myelin , OPCs migration has gradually been widely concerned .

  10. 已有实验证明Lingo-1对少突胶质细胞的分化和髓鞘形成起负性调控作用。

    Lingo-1 has been identified as a negative regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination .

  11. PTHrPKI也造成了脑细胞迁移、分化和成熟的延迟及髓鞘形成和脑血管发生异常。

    PTHrP KI was also resulted in the delay of the migration , differentiation and maturation of neural cells and the impairment of myelin formation and brain angiogenesis .

  12. 结论NGF对有髓纤维的再生和髓鞘形成的作用较强,CNTF可同时促进有髓和无髓纤维再生,但其促进有髓纤维再生的作用不及NGF。

    Conclusion NGF can significantly promote regeneration and myelinization of myelinated fibres . CNTF can promote the regeneration of both myelinated and unmyelinated fibres , but the ability of regeneration and myelinization of myelinated fibre is inferior to NGF .

  13. 为探讨酒精所致的神经元分化成熟迟滞和髓鞘形成受阻机制,本文以DPH荧光探针研究了酒精对与神经元和髓鞘发育相关的星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞膜脂质流动性的影响。

    To explore the mechanism of neuron development retardation and myelination abnormality caused by alcohol , the membrane lipid fluidity of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes which is related to neuron and myelin development were measured by using DPH fluorescence probe .

  14. 微波能增加GAP-43早期表达,并使其表达量长时间维持在高水平,从而诱导、刺激和调节轴突再生和髓鞘形成,提高损伤神经再生和修复速度,促进神经功能恢复。

    Microwave could enhance the early expression of GAP-43 protein and maintain its high level for long time in order to induce , stimulate and regulate axons growth and myelin sheath formation . It could also improve the speed of regeneration in the injured nerves .

  15. 电镜观察再生神经纤维的髓鞘形成。

    Myelination on regenerated nerve fibers was investigated under electronic microscope .

  16. 体外培养小鼠小脑的髓鞘形成及电生理研究

    Investigations on myelination and electrophysiology of cultured mouse cerebellum in vitro

  17. 大鼠视网膜内髓鞘形成模型的建立与研究

    Establishment and study of the myelin formation model in rat retina

  18. 血清是体外培养神经组织髓鞘形成的必要条件

    Essential role of serum in myelination in cultured neurons

  19. 纤维蛋白支架对人嗅鞘细胞髓鞘形成相关蛋白表达的影响

    Effects of fibrin scaffold on the myelin associated proteins expression of the human olfactory ensheathing cells

  20. 利用无血清培养液培养小鼠胚胎脊髓、脊神经节的神经元,研究血清对髓鞘形成的影响。

    Embryonic mouse spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion neurons were cultured in serum-free medium for4 weeks .

  21. 这里它作为“组织中心”将髓鞘形成的必要蛋白聚集起来。

    There it acts as an " organising centre ", bringing together key proteins essential for myelination .

  22. 髓鞘形成不良性疾病8例;

    Dysmyelinating disease 8 cases ;

  23. 但是关于髓鞘形成的具体机制还不清楚。

    Myelination is coordinated by the axon-glia interaction though the mechanism of the myelination which remains little known .

  24. 脑白质营养不良并非一个独立的疾病,而是一组最常见于儿童的髓鞘形成或维持发生障碍的遗传性疾病的总称。

    Leukodystrophy is not an independent disease , but a general name of a group of genetic diseases with myelination or maintains disorder which often happens in children .

  25. 结果新生小鼠螺旋神经节神经元为形态相同的幼稚细胞,由卫星细胞及其伸出的单层突起包绕,无致密髓鞘形成;

    Results In newborn mice , SG neurons formed a homogeneous population of immature cells that were surrounded by a single layer of satellite cell processes without compact myelin .

  26. 负责执行功能的大脑分区(负责执行复杂步骤以完成某项任务)是最后完成髓鞘形成过程的。

    The part of the brain responsible for executive functions ( doing complex sets of steps to complete tasks , for example ) is the last part to compete the myelination process .

  27. 中枢神经系统发育过程中雌激素环境的改变可以影响细胞分化的几个关键方面:包括轴突的延长和分支、突触形成、髓鞘形成、神经递质和神经肽类的表达、以及细胞的存活与凋亡。

    Alterations in the estrogenic milieu of the developing central nervous system ( CNS ) influence critical aspects of cellular differentiation , including neurite extension and branching , synapse formation , myelination , the expression of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides , and cell death and survival .

  28. 细胞外信号主要包括细胞外基质、相互作用的细胞、信号转导和细胞因子等,对细胞的营养、增殖和分化调控以及神经元细胞的髓鞘形成具有重要作用。

    These niches include extracellular matrix ( ECM ), cells that interact with each other , signal transduction between cells and so on . They play an important role in providing nutrition for cells , and regulating the proliferation , differentiation of cells and myelination of neurons .

  29. 母乳中丰富的不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)是婴幼儿生长发育所必需的,对婴幼儿神经髓鞘的形成,脑和视力的发育有极其重要的作用。

    Unsaturated fatty acids are rich in breast milk , which are necessary for the growth and development , and which have an important role in the formation of myelin sheath , brain and vision development of infants and young children .

  30. 重建再生的微环境,这样不仅利于损伤神经的轴索再生,而且,加快再生轴索的髓鞘再形成,促进再生神经纤维的生长、成熟和神经功能的恢复。

    Rebuilding microenvironment is favourable to regeneration of axons .