
  • 网络infectious disease;Contagion
  1. 所以,我们有了全球性的感染病问题。

    And so now of course we have this global problem in infectious diseases .

  2. 根据加强后的感染病数据库提供的数据,这显示了全球范围内已被发现的病原体。

    It shows the pathogens found across the world according to the Enhanced Infectious Diseases database .

  3. 目前还没有能治愈这类感染病的药物。

    There are no drugs that treat these infections .

  4. 在传统白血细胞体外标记感染病影像人中CT也可以提供更准确的解剖定位。

    Traditional infection imaging using the patient 's white blood cells labeled in vitro , might also benefit from CT 's ability to provide accurate anatomic localization .

  5. 肺结核,或TB,如今仍是世界上最大的致命性感染病之一,导致死亡的人数超过疟疾或HIV病毒和艾滋病。

    Today , tuberculosis , or TB , is still one of the world 's biggest infectious killers , causing more deaths than malaria or even HIV and AIDS .

  6. 我知道我对Crawley医生颇为熟悉尤其是他对儿童感染病症状的诊断

    I do . I 'm familiar with Dr Crawley 's work on the symptoms of infection in children .

  7. 来自比利时根特大学的研究领导者克劳德·力博特博士说:“数据表明,在人类和其他哺乳动物中,女性寿命更长,更能抵御因败血症发作引起的休克、感染病和创伤。我们认为这可以归因于X染色体。”

    Study leader Dr Claude Libert , from Ghent University in Belgium , said : " Statistics show that in humans , as with other mammals , females live longer than males and are more able to fight off shock episodes from sepsis , infection or trauma . We believe this is due to the X chromosome . "

  8. 我一直要做到我得感染病而死!

    I have to do I have to infectious diseases and died !

  9. 豚鼠自然感染病牛沙门氏菌病的病原学及病理学研究

    Etiological and Pathological Study on Guinea Pigs Naturally Infected with Salmonella Bovis Morbificans

  10. 他说那有可能会感染病。

    He said it could be an infection .

  11. 美国感染病学会念珠菌病治疗指南

    IDSA guidelines for treatment of candidiasis

  12. 喹诺酮类抗菌药在感染病治疗中的适应证及其合理应用:专家共识

    The indications and rational use of quinolones in the treatment of infectious diseases : a consensus

  13. 牙周病,包括牙龈炎和牙周炎,是人类最常见的感染病之一。

    Periodontal diseases , including gingivitis and periodontitis , are among the most common infections of humans .

  14. 中华医学会感染病学分会肝衰竭与人工肝学组。

    Liver Failure and Artificial Liver Group , Chinese Society of Infectious Diseases , Chinese Medical Association .

  15. 目的调查海口地区患者泌尿生殖道感染病原谱及其耐药现状。

    Objective to investigate the pathogenes of Genitourinary tract infection and their drug-resistance status at Haikou city area .

  16. 念珠菌病处理临床实践指南&美国感染病学会2009年更新

    Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Candidiasis : 2009 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America

  17. 鸭出血症病原学研究Ⅲ.鸭出血症自然感染病鸭组织病理学观察

    Etiological study of duck hemorrhagic disease ⅲ . Histopathological observation of ducks infected naturally with duck hemorrhagic disease

  18. 莱姆关节炎症,扁虱(也就是蜱)传播的细菌感染病,会引发犬类和人周期性关节炎症。

    Lyme disease , a tick-transmitted bacterial infection , can lead to recurrent arthritic symptoms in dogs and humans .

  19. 该研究发表在5月15日感染病杂志上,现在网上已经可以获得该文章。

    The study is published in the May15 issue of The Journal of Infectious Diseases , now available online .

  20. 重症监护病房与呼吸内科下呼吸道感染病原谱分布及耐药性分析

    The distribution and drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria at lower respiratory tract infection in intensive care unit and respiration department

  21. 巴罗因弗内斯医院发言人昨天说,感染病患已「逐渐」减少。

    The spokesman of Barrow-in-Furness hospital said yesterday that the number of the infected has been " gradually " decreasing .

  22. 15例病例所属肺组织的结核病灶和阻塞性感染病灶均明显好转,3例空洞闭合。

    Pulmonary tuberculosis focus and obstructive infection focus were improved in 15 cases . The cavity was absorbed in 3 cases .

  23. 专题式教学法在感染病学教学中的实践与认识3、主题性问题中的合作开放式策略;

    Application of special topic teaching in the science of infectious diseases ( 3 ) cooperative learning strategy in the topic teaching ;

  24. 我们也许根本就不需要花很多时间来思考剧情的前后矛盾以及这场“天降鲨鱼”感染病的不真实性。

    We probably don 't need to spend much of your time reviewing the inconsistencies and unrealities of a flying shark infestation .

  25. 一个男土著已经死于此感染病,而在加拿大当地的印第安人里,已经有好几例。

    One Aboriginal man in Australia has already died from the infection , while Native Indians in Canada have seen many cases .

  26. 结论:在面临病原体、人类本身以及周围环境挑战人类感染病(传染病)的今天,改进传统徒手针灸针刺方法,推广使用一次性手套,是社会进步和依法行医的必然要求。

    Conclusion Improving traditional bare-handed acupuncture methods and using mono-use glove are inevitable requirement for advances of society and practising medicine following laws .

  27. 一项新的研究发现,对于常见的感染病的诊断,这样的看病方式尚可接受,同时节省了时间和金钱。

    A new study finds that they appear to result in decent diagnoses for common infections , while also saving time and money .

  28. 如果和一位没有血源性感染病的女孩在她的经期做爱,其实没有害处,只是看个人选择。

    If a woman doesn 't have any blood-borne infections , then having sex during menstruation is not dangerous-it 's simply a personal choice .

  29. 结果就是,如果你希望避免自己表现和一个毛骨悚然、感觉麻木的可恶的人,那么就要采用对待感染病的态度。

    The upshot is that , if you want to avoid acting like a nasty and insensitive creep , treat it like a contagious condition .

  30. 丢开不经意翻开的书页言不由衷,电话断线这爱,无论怎样,都是一种感染病。

    Leaving the page of a book carelessly open , something unsaid , the phone off the hookand the love , whatever it was , an infection .