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cóng róng
  • calm;unhurried;plentiful;rest;serenity
从容 [cóng róng]
  • (1) [calm]∶悠闲舒缓

  • 听小子从容的表白出来。--《初刻拍案惊奇》

  • 从容应付

  • (2) [plentiful]∶充裕;宽裕

  • 时间从容

  • (3) [rest]∶休息

  • 神僧且从容一日。--《西游记》

从容[cóng róng]
  1. 那是一种衰而不败的从容,一种哀而不伤的平和,一种智而不言的哲学。

    It was a failure and unbeaten calm , a calm and sad but not wounded , a statement of philosophy rather than intellectual .

  2. 它是一种优雅,一种从容。

    It is an elegant , a kind of calm .

  3. 他表现出从容自信和冷静。

    There was an air of easy assurance and calm about him .

  4. 她的心态从容而自信。

    She was in a relaxed , confident mood .

  5. 我们重新上路了,步调更加从容。

    We set off again at a more sedate pace .

  6. 他举止文雅而从容。

    His movements were gentle and deliberate .

  7. 他在面试中回答问题时非常从容镇静。我希望自己也能那样条理清晰。

    He 's so calm when he answers questions in interviews . I wish I could be that coherent .

  8. 女经理谈吐从容,举止优雅。

    The manageress was easy in conversation and graceful in manner .

  9. 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。

    We have ample time for a leisurely lunch .

  10. 他从容地走上了讲台。

    He calmly stepped onto the platform .

  11. 时间很从容。

    There 's still plenty of time .

  12. 在晚上,通常是以一个更轻松和从容的速度骑行。

    In the evening , rides are usually at a more relaxed and unhurried pace .

  13. 最后,待在舒适家中、拿着丰厚养老金的他应该学会从容面对。

    At long last , in a comfortable home , with a generous pension , he should learn to take things easy .

  14. 船长表现得尤其从容镇定,行动中丝毫没有失去冷静。

    The commander showed great sangfroid and acted without ever losing his composure .

  15. 庄子说:“鯈鱼从容自在地在水中游玩,这真是鱼的快乐呀!”

    Zhuang Zi said , " The fish is swimming freely and unhurriedly in the water . What a pleasure ! "

  16. “慢艺术”是为了鼓励人们从容观看和深思而创造或展示的艺术,是让你花长时间去欣赏的一件艺术品。

    Slow art is art created or presented in a way that encourages unhurried viewing and deep contemplation ; a work of art that unfolds over a long time .

  17. 如果住在地球上的二十亿居民全站着,并且像开大会一样靠得紧些,那么就可以从容地站在一个二十海里见方的广场上。

    If the two billion inhabitants who people its surface were all to stand upright and somewhat crowded together , as they do for some big public assembly , they could easily be put into one public square twenty miles long and twenty miles wide .

  18. 在这些努力之下,东京电力公司(tokyoelectricpower)相当从容地满足着电力需求。

    As a result of such efforts , Tokyo Electric Power has been able to meet demand fairly comfortably .

  19. 通过这种方式,MDA可以从容地应对平台和需求的变化。

    In this way , MDA can face the changeability of the platform and user requirement .

  20. 但波形数据在SUN工作站上的驻留是一个动态的过程,一般只能保存3~4天,这给研究人员进行从容细致的应用分析造成了巨大的困难。

    But data saving is a dynamic process at workstation , and the data will be deleted in 3 ~ 4 days .

  21. 处在高增长阶段的facebook能够从容地拓展增收途径。

    The high-growth phase means that Facebook can take its time developing ways to increase revenues .

  22. 迄今为止,市场面对坏消息时表现得还算从容,轻而易举地消化了贝尔斯登(bearstearns)旗下两家基金的问题。

    So far the markets have taken bad news in their stride , easily digesting the problems at two Bear Stearns hedge funds .

  23. 奇怪的是,美国未来的企业巨头需两年,方可从容完成MBA学位,大多数欧洲人只需要1年。

    Surprisingly , America 's future chainsaw-wielding corporate titans take a leisurely two years to complete their MBAs ; most Europeans need only one .

  24. 有了JMS,消息传递客户机可以通过提供者发送消息,消息发送出去之后便可以离线,而让提供者从容地传送这条消息。

    With JMS , messaging clients can send messages via the provider and then go offline , leaving the provider to transmit the message as time allows .

  25. 在一台运行速度极快且内存很大的机器上,您可以在刻录期间从容地处理非CPU密集型任务,但是在烧录盘期间最好别做别的事情。

    On a fast machine with lots of memory , you can get away with doing low-CPU-intensive tasks during recording , but it is better to do nothing else during a burn .

  26. SVC通过调节晶闸管的触发角,可以实现电抗值从容性到感性的较大范围内连续调节,可以控制系统的电压、阻尼低频振荡、提高系统的稳定性等。

    Thus , it can control the voltage of the power system , damp the low frequency oscillation and enhance the system stability , and so on .

  27. Festinalente(从容赶急)是我们从古罗马人那里继承来的忠告。

    Festina lente hurry slowly is advice we have inherited from the ancient Romans .

  28. 有一次暑期实习,我从事的是服务器编程语言(PHP)工作,如果我能提前复习PHP就好了(我本来可以轻松而从容地在加利福尼亚完成)。这是我唯一希望能提前涉及的内容。

    The only real thing I wish I had looked up before ( though , I could have just as easily done it in California and was lazy ) was to look at PHP more , because I was doing work in PHP that summer .

  29. 把事情做完(GTD)是一种组织任务的方法,它能帮助你集中全部精力和创造力,用从容的(无压力的)方式完成任务。

    Getting Things Done ( GTD ) is a method for organizing tasks so that you can focus your entire energy and creativity on completing those tasks in a stress free manner .

  30. 而另一位老师则运用自己的PCK优势,注重数学史与教材、学生认知的配合,从容地在数学教学中融入数学史。

    While another teacher used her PCK advantages , pay attention to combine mathematical history with textbooks and students ' cognitive so that her could smoothly integrate the history of mathematics into mathematics instruction .