首页 / 词典 / good


xīng wàng
  • prosperous;thriving;flourishing;on the up;flower;roaring;upbeat;up and up
兴旺 [xīng wàng]
  • [flourishing] 繁荣;欣欣向荣

兴旺[xīng wàng]
  1. 他的企业会有兴旺之日。

    His enterprise would have a prosperous issue .

  2. 但是创新,广泛地定义为所有经济进步的关键要素——给国家带来更快的发展,让公司拥有更多有竞争力的产品,给个人带来更兴旺的事业。

    But innovation , broadly defined , is the crucial ingredient in all economic progress — higher growth for nations , more competitive products for companies , and more prosperous careers for individuals .

  3. 在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。

    Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate .

  4. 公司又度过了一个兴旺发达之年。

    The company has had another successful year .

  5. 不可否认,这个组织在他的管理下兴旺了起来。

    The organization certainly prospered under his stewardship .

  6. 他设法制造出一种彻头彻尾的假象,让人误以为公司一派兴旺。

    He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving .

  7. 这个党在他的领导下兴旺起来。

    The party thrived under his leadership .

  8. 要想生意兴旺,勤奋工作是关键。

    Hard work is the name of the game if you want to succeed in business .

  9. 银行业未来是否会兴旺发达根本无法预测。

    There 's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry .

  10. 各个度假点重又呈现出一派兴旺景象,旅游业的龙头老大们都在争着分一杯羹。

    Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action .

  11. 引进新的管理系统后,他的公司业务兴旺起来。

    His business prospered after introducing a new management system .

  12. 他的生意似乎很兴旺。

    His business seemed to be flourishing .

  13. 我们的事业兴旺发达,后继有人。

    Our cause is flourishing and has no lack of successors .

  14. 企业没有良好的管理不会兴旺。

    A business cannot thrive without good management .

  15. 到处呈现一片兴旺景象。

    Everywhere is a scene of prosperity .

  16. 他的生意兴旺。

    He has a thriving business .

  17. 营造业的兴旺导致了目前当地房屋建筑土地价格上涨。

    The boom in building has resulted in the local land being more valuable now for houses .

  18. 国家兴旺,民族昌盛。

    The country is thriving , and the nation is prosperous .

  19. 他们的理想就是和平和兴旺。

    Their ideals are peace and prosperity .

  20. 在过去电影业处于兴旺时期,我一个星期看三部电影。

    I used to see three films a week in the golden age when cinemas were flourishing .

  21. 该公司濒临倒闭之时任命了一位新经理;是他给这个公司带来了生气,使它很快兴旺起来。

    The firm was about to fail when a new director was appointed ; he breathed new life into the company and soon it was successful .

  22. 在美国,这个快餐的发源地,伴随着快餐业的打折活动以及促销活动,例如推出l美元菜单和便宜的什锦饭,快餐店客流也变得兴旺起来。

    Traffic was boosted in America , the home of fast food , with discounts and promotions , such as $ 1 menus and cheap combination meals .

  23. 家园炽天使:保存家园,为家园兴旺与进步努力

    The home seraphim : preservation and advancement of the home .

  24. 我真诚希望这家公司会继续兴旺发达。

    It is my earnest wish that this company will continue to prosper .

  25. 更多的新鲜血液加入党的队伍,彰显出党的强大生机与活力,展现出党的事业兴旺发达、欣欣向荣的蓬勃气象。党员队伍结构不断优化

    The continuous increase of members has shown the strong vitality of the Party and the prosperity of the Party 's cause .

  26. 4.prosperityn.兴旺,繁荣我们祝愿你健康、幸福、事业兴旺。

    We wish you health , happiness , and prosperity .

  27. 年,R作为S/S-frPLUS的一个自由软件扩展集问世,从那时起它就拥有了一个日益兴旺的用户和开发者社区。

    R emerged as a Free Software superset of S / S-frPLUS in1997 and has had a thriving user and developer community since then .

  28. 很遗憾我不辞职。祝您和ABC公司好运相伴,未来兴旺发达。

    I regret having to resign from my position . I wish you and ABC the best of luck and future success .

  29. 随着Web服务的繁荣,以及模型驱动架构(ModelDrivenArchitecture,MDA)的兴旺,我们必须考虑软件和解决方案的开发中的建模的不断增长的重要性和效用。

    Along with the boom of Web services and the thriving Model Driven Architecture ( MDA ), we must consider the growing significance and utility of modeling in the development of software and solutions .

  30. 至于深圳,其人均GDP位列中国第一,拥有兴旺的房地产市场以及成熟的金融服务体系。

    As to Shenzhen , it has the highest GDP per capita in China , with a hot real estate market and a sophisticated financial services sector .