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guǒ zhēn
  • if really;really;indeed;if indeed;as expected
果真 [guǒ zhēn]
  • (1) [really; as expected;indeed]∶同果然

  • 进屋一看,果真小王还在

  • (2) [if really]∶表示假设关系,有如果确实的意思

  • 果真你愿意帮助,那我太高兴了

果真[guǒ zhēn]
  1. 你们受若如此之多、都是徒然的麽。难道果真是徒然的麽。

    Did you suffer so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain ?

  2. 然而,如果有一个果真是特殊的.从独特的环境脱胎出来的人,那也不过又是另一种桂克型的人物。

    and still a man , who , if indeed peculiar , it only results again from another phase of the Quaker , modified by individual circumstances .

  3. 叫做“无望者”的球队果真名副其实。

    The team called ' The No-Hopers ' certainly lived up to its name .

  4. 果真如此,我就放心了。

    If this is really true , it 'll take a load off my mind .

  5. 这个消息果真可靠吗?

    Is the news really reliable ?

  6. 使他惊奇的是,那姑娘果真吻了吻自己的手,把它伸了出来。

    To his amazement the girl did kiss her hand and stretch it out .

  7. 他果真来了。

    He came as expected .

  8. 果真就在那天晚上,这个富人失窃,损失了很多钱。

    That night , indeed , a great deal of money was stolen .

  9. 邻居按照他的话去做,那狗果真开始捕捉老鼠了。

    The neighbor did what he was told to do and the dog really could catch mice .

  10. 那么,欧盟(eu)果真就像主流观点所认为的那样,处于德国统治之下吗?

    So is the European Union , as conventional wisdom has it , under German rule ?

  11. 如果日本财务省果真下令日本央行(bankofjapan)出售日元,这不会是因为日元强劲到了无法接受的地步。

    If the Ministry of finance does order the Bank of Japan to sell yen , it would not be because it is unacceptably strong .

  12. 果真如此的话,那么CapitalOne等公司的收益预计将大幅上升,因为较低的违约率可以减轻信用卡贷款发放公司在提取贷款损失准备金方面的压力。

    If so , firms like Capital One could look forward to sharply higher earnings as lower defaults would allow lenders to ease off on the expense of building their loan-loss reserves .

  13. 若果真如此,那么在过去的10年里,将有9年的固定投资增速超过GDP增速。

    If so , it would have grown faster than GDP in all but one of the past 10 years .

  14. 若果真如此,中国工商总局将步欧盟(EU)后尘,将关键设施理论应用到知识产权上。

    If it were to do so , the SAIC would be following the EU in applying the essential facilities doctrine to intellectual property .

  15. 若果真如此,将是新iPhone手机头3天销量首次低于往年。

    This would be the first time an iPhone had declined over the prior year on its first three days on sale .

  16. 如果事实果真如此,由此增加的需求可能导致国际石油市场进一步吃紧,对欧佩克(opec)成员国的闲置产能极限形成考验。

    If so , the extra demand could tighten further global oil markets , testing the limits of spare production capacity among members of the OPEC cartel .

  17. 作为伯克希尔公司的所有者,你们自然会十分关心,如果我的精力开始日渐衰退之后是否会继续坚持担任ceo,以及如果果真如此,董事会将如何处理这个问题?

    As owners , you are naturally concerned about whether I will insist on continuing as CEO after I begin to fade and , if so , how the board will handle that problem .

  18. 花旗集团(Citigroup)分析师预计高盛将公布三季度亏损&果真如此,那将是高盛上市以来的第二个亏损季度。

    Analysts at Citigroup now predict Goldman will report a loss for the quarter & it would be only its second quarter in the red since becoming a public company .

  19. 买了DVD,又买了一大堆她喜欢的影星的碟子,跑回家一放,果真把她吸引了,“你买的DVD么?”

    Buy the DVD , bought a lot of her favorite movie star in the dish , ran home a place , really attracted to her ," the DVD you buy it ?"

  20. 果真如此,计划本月重返公开市场的希尔顿将是今年第二大IPO,超过上个月募资18亿美元、在纽约证交所挂牌的微博网站Twitter。

    If that happens , Hilton , which plans to return to the public market this month , would be the second biggest IPO this year , outshining online micro-blogging service twitter , which last month raised $ 1.8 billion when it listed on the New York Stock Exchange .

  21. Dave发现他们的邻居正在使用一台金属探测器,便请求他检查一下当初Brenda丢失戒指的区域,抱着碰运气的态度,看看戒指是否还在原地。果真,戒指仍在那里。

    Dave spotted one of their neighbors using a metal detector and asked him to check the area where Brenda lost the ring , on the off chance that it might still be there . And sure enough , it was .

  22. 但事实果真如此吗?最近,求职网站凯业必达(CareerBuilder)对2696名人力资源经理和4384名全球员工进行了调查,征询他们听说的、见过的或者自己用过的“最不同凡响”的缺勤理由。

    Or are there ? Job site CareerBuilder recently asked 2 , 696 human resources managers and 4 , 384 full-time employees for the " most unusual " reasons for absence that they had heard , seen , or perpetrated .

  23. 我想努力工作会有收获这句话果真不假。

    I guess it is true that hard work pays off .

  24. 果真那样的话,销售会土崩瓦解,经销商亦会揭竿而起。

    Your sales would collapse , and your dealers would revolt .

  25. 他果真说了回头见或再见啦?

    Did he really say , See you later , alligator ?

  26. 那新教师果真能使学生们遵守纪律。

    That new teacher really makes the students walk the chalk .

  27. 果真像哈林顿说的那么糟吗?

    ' And was it as bad as Harrington said ? '

  28. 孩子们找来了父亲,父亲果真帮他们凿了一个洞。

    The children summon their father , who cuts a hole .

  29. 果真如此,那她又是怎么了?

    And if he was , what did that make her ?

  30. 果真如此的话,你应该让自己快乐起来&马上。

    If so , you can make yourself happier & right now .